Chapter 10/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

We ran straight to the truck, shooting a few people on the way. Daryl set Jordan in the backseat and I hopped in beside her.

I didn't care about my wounds, I just wanted my sister. "Hurry!" I yelled. Rick got the truck started just as Michonne hopped in.

We sped down the gravel road and Daryl followed behind us. "Just hang on Jordan, don't you dare leave me."

Tears flooded my face as we neared the prison. Her breathing was slowing. The gates of the prison opened and we drove through.

I hopped out of the backseat and to Jordan's door. I opened the door and picked her up.

I carried her inside and looked around for anyone that could help. "Somebody please!" I called. Maggie and an elderly man walked out.

"Oh my, what happened?" Maggie exclaimed. "Philip Blake happened." I say. She motions for me to follow her and I do so.

I follow her into a cell where I set her down on the bed. The elderly man hobbled in on his crutches. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, I need all the space I can get."

I nodded and left the room. I walked up to the only place where I could get piece and quiet. The tower.

Jordan's POV

It felt peaceful where I was. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful green meadow. There was flowers everywhere. I smiled, I didn't know where I was or how I got here but I wasn't leaving.

"You can't stay." A familiar voice said.

"Why not?" I asked as I turned around to see my best friend.

"So you can talk." She smiled.

"Of course I can! I just choose not to." I whispered the last part.

"I read your diary." She said.

"You what?!" I exclaimed.

"So has Olivia!" Maddy retorted.

"I can't believe you both would snoop in my private things!" I shouted.

"Listen, I knew something was wrong, I had to know what. And I found out." Maddy said.

"You and Olivia should never have gone through that. I can't imagine what that must feel like." She whispered.

Tears fell down my cheeks.

"Jordan, you need to go back. Olivia needs you, Carl needs you and you promised me." Maddy said painfully.

"How do I go back?" I ask.

"Just close your eyes and think of going back into your body, think of why you want to go back, think of who you want to go back to." Maddy explained.

I thought of going back into my body. I thought about why I wanted to go back and who I wanted to go back to. Everything went dark.

Olivia's POV

It's been a week since Jordan went out. A week since Jordan was abused. A week since I was abused. A week since I found out the Philip Blake was still alive.

I sat in my empty cell and held my head in my hands. I heard a knock on the wall and I looked.

Rick was standing there with a med bag. "Hershel and Maggie are busy." I nodded and walked in and beside me.

He checked the cuts on my arms first because they were the worst. He took off the bandages and I grimaced.

They were all scabbed over and starting to heal. He re bandaged them and moved my dark brown hair out of the way so he could see the cuts on my cheek.

"They're healing nicely, but they'll leave a hell of a scar." I nodded and sighed. Beautiful, more scars. Then the unexpected happened. I looked at Rick and he looked at me.

Then the unexpected happened.

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I bit my lip as he pulled away. "I have to check on Jordan." I got up and walked out of the cell.

I walked into Jordan's cell and tears already began flowing. I grasped my gun in it's holster and broke down.

"I can't do it." I whispered. I felt a hand pat me on the back. I looked up and saw Daryl standing behind me.

He walked over to Jordan, gun raised.

Jordan's POV

Finally I was back in my own body. I opened my eyes but groaned when the sunlight flashed through my partly opened eye lids. I heard the clock of a gun and I opened my eyes.

There was a pistol in my face. I whimpered. I didn't wanna die!... Again! I put my hands up to block my face.

"No!" I heard Liv yelled as the sound of a gun firing went off.

I flinched at the noise. I felt a hand on my arm and I carefully opened my eyes. I saw Olivia with watery eyes.

"Jordan?" She questions as her lips quiver.

I nodded my head. She hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder. I didn't think she'd miss me this much. I was only gone a couple of hours, maybe even a day most.

She let go of the hug and held my face in her hands. She kissed my forehead and cheek multiple times. I gave her a questioning look.

"I thought you were gone! You were our for a week." Liv said

I shakes my head and laughed. Daryl and Liv looked at me. Oh crap, they weren't kidding... My eyes widened and I started hyperventilating.

"Shit!" Liv exclaimed as she tried to get me to calm down.

I ended up passing out again.

Olivia's POV

No! I just got her back, now I'm loosing her again! I begin to weep to and Daryl crouched beside me.

"She'll be alright, if she is just exhausted." I nodded and leaned into his chest. I'm still really scared.

I got up off the floor and walked out. I sighed and walked to the library. Strangely Beth wasn't there. I started looking through the books and nothing looked interesting.

Then a book caught my eyes. Particularly that it was empty. I opened it up and a pencil fell out. I picked it up off the floor and made my way to the tower.

I dangled my feet from the holes in the railing as I began to write.

This story doesn't begin in a field, or a beautiful home, no it begins in a prison.

But the people in this prison weren't there for unspeakable reasons, they were there because they had survived.

They were still surviving judgement day. As I write this dear reader, judgement day continues.

Yes, I am one of the people in the prison.

I hear footsteps come up the tower and I quickly close my book. Rick comes up.

"Hey." He says. "Hey." I say back. He sits down beside me and I stare at the afternoon sky. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"My sister was out for a week, woke up, and was out again." I scoffed. He chuckled a little.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He smiles a little "I don't know." He reaches out a little and his hand meets mine.

They entangle and he holds my hand. I close my hand and hear him sigh. I smile and close my eyes.

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