Chapter 50/ Olivia & Carl

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I sat in the corner of the house we were holed up in. Rick and somebody else was getting walker corpses.

Deanna was bit and was now holed upstairs. Carl was weeping beside me. My sister was gone.

I have nothing to live for.

Daryl was gone on a run before this happened with Sasha and Abraham.

My sister is gone.

Rick pulled in a walker corpse and was giving orders that I couldn't hear.

My sister is dead.

Her baby is dead.

I am dead.

People came down stairs with sheets and I was handed one.

I cut a hole in it and stuck my head in it. I stood up and walked over to the corpses.

Rick was cutting the bodies open.

A single tear fell down my face and the babies cry kept ringing through my ears.

It didn't have a chance.

I kept quiet and emotionless as the walker guts were put on me by Rick.

We walked out onto the porch. We all held each others hands.

Jordan should be with us.

Carl's POV

I haven't eaten, or slept. I haven't talked. All I did was cry. I had lost two things. My beautiful girlfriend, and my unborn baby. I was an emotional wreck. Olivia didn't even pay attention to anything. She was like a walking corpse. I feel like this was all my fault.

If only I could've gotten there quicker... I was snapped out of my thoughts when my dad jerked me backwards.

"Carl, pay attention for gods sake." He spat.

He's been mad at me every since Liv told him Jordan was pregnant. I sighed. My life was meaningless now. If I didn't get to spend it with Jordan I don't know how else to do it. I know she would want me to move on, but I can't.

We stopped somewhere for the night but I was to depressed to care where. Jordan's voice floats around my head.

"I love you..." She whispers over and over again.

I think I'm losing my mind. I close my eyes and go to sleep.


I saw Jordan with a little girl. She had my eyes and nose but she had Jordan's hair and her beautiful smile.

"Is this?" I ask.

"This is Skylar, our daughter." Jordan smiles.

They come closer to me and I kiss Jordan passionately.

"Carl, you need to keep an eye on Olivia. She isn't thinking straight." Jordan tells me.

"I will baby..." I promise.

"Thank you." She says.

"I love you daddy!" Skylar chirps.

Tears form in my eyes. "I love you too Skylar." I reply.

Then they disappear. "No! Bring them back to me!" I sobbed.

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