Chapter 51/ Olivia & Carl

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Olivia's POV

Two months had past. Two months since the walkers got in. Two months since Deanna died. One month since I lost my virginity.

Two months since my sister left us.

She was buried just outside of the walls. Glenn came back with Enid too. Daryl was now living with me and Carl sometimes stayed over.

He's mourning.

I wasn't myself anymore. I couldn't be myself anymore. I was only a half of a being; a soul.

When Jordan....died...a part of me went with her.

I sat underneath the tree in front of my house and stared at the sun. I still see her face in my dreams.

I still hear her laugh, see her smile, and see her with her baby.

She's at peace now.

I got up and walked into my house. I closed the door behind me and walked upstairs.

I walked into my room and to the painting of Jordan and I. I touched her face and smiled a little.

I never knew how precious each and every moment with her was until I realised that I couldn't make anymore with her.

I heard the door shut downstairs and walked out. I walked downstairs and saw Daryl.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I smiled. "I'm going for a walk." I say. He nods and gives me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you Daryl." I say before opening the door. "Love you too Liv." He says back.

I walk out the door.

Carl's POV

I sat on the couch in the living room. I was holding a ring I had found on a run. I was going to give it to Jordan. It's too late now for promises. My dad walks in and sits beside me.

"Wanna talk?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders. He's never really talked to me about emotional stuff, why is he doing it now?

"I know you've been through hell, I have too." He said.

"You know nothing about what I've been through!" I shouted at him.

"Actually, yes I have." He replies.

I than remembered what he was talking about.

"Mom..." I whispered.

"Yeah, we can talk if you want." Dad says.

I sigh and lean into his shoulder. We haven't had much time to act like family during the apocalypse. I looked at my hat on the coffee table. I smiled when I thought of Jordan wearing it. My smile faded when I remembered the day she died.

"It's my fault dad...." I whispered.

Dad.... I was so close to being one, but then I had to go and fuck shit up. That one mistake got the love of my life killed, along with my kid. Happy tears came to my eyes as I recalled what happened that night. That night was one of the best nights of my life.

They soon changed into sad tears, remembering that we are never going to get to do it again.

"Carl? Are you even listening to me?" My dad asked.

I shook my head and stood up.

"I need to be alone right now." I mumble as I head to mine and Jordan's special spot.

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