Chapter 16/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

I haven't seen Penny forever. Olivia and I barely saw her anyway. We were always locked in the basement. Once she was done greeting everyone, she showed Olivia and I to her room.

"What do you think?" Penny questioned.

I didn't really find it appealing to me. I'm not a huge fan of pink.

"It looks great!" Olivia lied.

She didn't like pink either. Penny looked at me. I smiled and nodded.

"Still not talking?" Penny questions.

I shake my head. Penny sighs.

"I wish you would tell us." Penny pleaded.

I shake my head and get up to leave. They both try to stop me but I shrug them off. I want a room to myself, or at least not with those two. I left the room and looked for Emma so she could show my my room.

Once I find her I tug on her sleeve. I took her hand and trace letter and words on her palm.

"This way." She smiled as she lead to a room.

The walls were a royal blue. I smiled in thanks and plopped down on the bed. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Olivia's POV

"Now some of you will have to share rooms, is that okay?" Emma asks. We nod.

She walks down the hallway, as she showed us the rooms a few of us left each time.

By the end, Tara and I were the last ones. "Im afraid you two will have to share." Emma says.

"Thats fine." I say. Tara and I go into the room. I set my bag onto one of the beds and flop on it.

Tara sits down on her bed and sighs. "So how you holding up?" She asks. "I'm fine, how about you?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath. "I followed a madman into war, and that led to my girlfriend being killed."

I sit up. "You're a...." I didn't want to offend her. "Lesbian? Yeah, you could say it too, I don't mind it."

I smile a crooked smile and close my eyes. "What about you?" Tara asks. "Heterosexual."

I open my eyes and stare at the corner of the roof, where the dark grey walls meet the white ceiling.

Jordan's POV


"You'll never make it out alive." The voice said.

"I'm not listening to you. You lied, they aren't dead." I growled I to the dark walls of my mind.

"They will be, soon enough." The voice cackled loudly.

I covered my ears with my hands.

"You're worthless!" My mothers voice screams.

"Trashy little bitch!" My father's voice yelled.

"No one will ever love you!" My uncles voice rips through the air.

"I will never love you." Carl's voice rings.

"I don't love you." Olivia said as she walked towards me.

"B-but you said you did!" I exclaimed confused.

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