Chapter 9/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

The bag was taken off of my head and I woke up from my pass out. I was tied to a chair and there was two men in here. I didn't recognize either of them. I was confused and scared.

"Won't the Governor be happy with this ball of sunshine?" A man chuckled.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Couldn't they just let me go and leave me alone? I wouldn't tell anyone! I wish I could tell them that.

"Okay, the Governor wants you for two reasons. One, he hasn't finished his work with you and two, he wants to know about the prison. Weaknesses, where everything is and their schedules. You give us this information, we'll let you out." The other man says.

I don't do anything and he slaps me. I whimper in pain. I can't give them any information.

They both left and I looked around the room. I saw a table with a whole bunch of sharp tools. I started to panic when I saw a familiar weapon. A whip.

The door opened again and the man that I hated the second most in the world was standing in front of me.

"Hello, Jordan." He smirked his evil smirk.

I tensed up. This man was my uncle Philip. I tried to move myself out of the chair and away from him. He laughed at my useless attempts, but I still tried anyway. He grabbed the whip and I panicked. He untied me and grabbed me by my hair. He threw me to the ground.

"Kneel." He snarled.

I did as I was told, if I didn't, it would surely be worse.

"Now you pathetic weasel, you're gonna get what's coming to you!" He shouted as he brought the whip down.

I screamed in pain. You would've thought that by now I was used to it, I wasn't. He did it over and over again until I was coated in blood. He put the whip away.

"I'll be back later for some information." He said.

Once he left I let myself fall to the ground. I sobbed and whimpered in pain. Olivia, please save me... Was my last thought before I passed out.

Olivia's POV

Rick and this woman named Michonne were in the truck with me as we drove to Woodbury.

Daryl took his motorcycle and was now behind us. I looked out the window and silently cried.

How is Uncle Phillip alive? Does this mean our cousin Penny is alive?

I silently cried on the floor as Jordan slept. She shouldn't have to go through this, nobody should have to.

I heard the door knob click and turn. I curled up tighter and didn't dare look up.

A soft little hand touched my arm and I peeked at the face of my cousin Penny. She handed me a water bottle and I gratefully took it.

I gulped down the water and handed her the bottle. "Thank you Penny." She nodded.

"Now go, before your mom and dad come back." She nodded and scurried out of sight. Closing the door behind her.

I took myself out of my thoughts as we stopped. "From here we walk." Rick says.

Jordan's POV

I was awoken by a kick to the back. I yelped in pain. Someone grabbed my hair and dragged me back to the chair. They tied me down again. Once I saw who it was my blood boiled.

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