Chapter 2/ Jordan & Olivia

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Oliva's POV

I walked through the bushes of the woods. The branches grew thicker as I pushed though them. I started to push a thin branch away before I recoiled in pain.

The branch I tried to push away had thorns in it. I looked at the small cuts on my hand as they began to bleed. My eyes trailed down my scar covered arm.

Before all this, I had diagnosed myself as depressed. Everything I did made my aunt and uncle mad. They'd beat me and Jordan.

I'd protect my little sister and I would get hurt really bad. So after the beatings I'd cry and cut myself. I stopped after Jordan saw the scars.

When I got a scholarship to university I couldn't be happier. Then the dead started to rise. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a crunching noise behind me.

I whipped my head around just in time to see a dead one try and take a bite out of me. I backed up and tripped over a twig.

I tumbled down and the roamer fell onto me. He snapped and growled at my face as I tried to push him off.

I threw him off of me and began to run. I looked behind me and saw the roamer try and get back up. Suddenly I tumbled down a small hill and kept rolling.

The twigs scratched and clawed at me. When I finally stopped rolling I looked up. I could see the top of a concrete building. I quickly picked myself up and began running.

Jordan's POV

I was given a job to do. I had to feed the animals. I got all of the old vegetables for the pigs. I walked over to their pen and dumped it in their trough. The squealed happily. I sighed and petted one of the pigs. I walked out of their pen, being sure to close and lock it once I got out.

I walked around and I accidentally bumped into a blonde girl.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed.

I just nodded my head and started to walk away. She gently grabbed my arm. I started breathing heavily, is everyone like my family?

"My name's Beth." She smiled gently.

I nodded and tried to walk away again.

"What's your name?" She asked.

I didn't say anything. I just wanted her to let me go. I pulled my arm from her grasp.

"Hey! We got a newcomer!" I heard the girl at the gate, Maggie I think her name was, yelled.

Everyone rushed over to see. I walked over and I almost spoke. Standing on the other side of the gate was none other than my sister, Olivia.

Olivia's POV

I painted from running. "Please, let me in!" I yelled. A brunette girl pulled at a chain, opening the gates.

I jogged in and the brunette closed the gates behind me. I leaned down and put my hands on my knees. I took deep breaths.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I said in between breaths. I looked up and people were crowded around me.

I looked at all the faces and my eyes landed on one in particular. Jordan stood in the crowd of people. I stopped breathing.

"Jordan?" I ran over to her and hugged her tight. I began crying and she did the same. "I knew I would find you."

I held the sides of her head and looked at her face. Tears ran down her cheeks and I wiped them away.

"I'm guessing you know her?" I heard a female voice say. I looked behind me and saw the brunette who opened the gate.

I nodded "She's my sister." The brunette smiled. "I'm Maggie, come on, we'll get you cleaned up." She helped me up and we walked inside the prison.

Jordan tagged along. Maggie guided me into a cell. She pulled out a medical bag and pulled out some bandages.

"Now before we can let you in, I need to ask you some questions." I nodded as she cleaned my scratches.

"How many walkers have you killed?" By walkers I'm guessing she means the dead ones.

"I'm not sure." She nodded "How many people have you killed?" I take a deep breath. "Two."

"Why?" She asks. "My aunt was bitten. The last one because he tried to hurt me and Jordan."

Maggie nodded and finished with the bandages. "You're in."

Jordan's POV

I was so happy that Olivia was here with me. After Maggie finished patching her up I hugged her. I wouldn't let go for a while. Everywhere she went, I went with her. We went into my cell and she put her stuff on the top bunk, just like old times.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Olivia whispered as she hugged me.

I nodded my head and started to cry again. We sat on my bunk and she rubbed my back.

"Shh..." She hushed.

I snuffled and stopped crying. I got the notepad out that Carl gave me and wrote something down.

What if mom and dad are still alive? What if they come for us? I handed her the notepad and she read it. Her jaw clenched and she looked at me.

"If they are alive and if they do come for us, I won't let them lay a finger on you." She said as she gently squeezed my shoulders.

I nodded and snuggled into her side. We laid down on my bed and for the first time in forever, I actually felt safe. I fell asleep in my sister's arms.

Olivia's POV


I sat on the bed of my old bedroom frantically looked around. Why am I here. I heard footsteps outside my doorway.

The door flew open and my uncle threw Jordan in. I got up off my bed and walked to my uncle. "Don't touch her you bastard!"

I started swinging my fists and he grabbed my hands. He twisted my hands behind my back and I cried out in pain.

Jordan cowered in the corner. My aunt walked into the room and stumbled over to Jordan.

My uncle let go of my arms and tossed me to the ground. He began kicking me and I cried.

"Just beat me! Leave Jordan alone!" I screamed. I kept getting kicked. My aunt walked over to me and began beating me too.

With every kick and punch, my vision faded more and more. All I could hear was my heartbeat ringing in my ears.

I flew up in my bed and panted. Jordan was sleeping soundly beside me. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

I carefully climbed over her and walked out of the cell. Daylight was just breaking. I walked down the stairs and outside.

I sat on the grass and looked at the orange and pink sky. For the first time in my life, I feel safe.

"Can't sleep?" A male voice said. I looked to the source of the voice and saw a man.

"Had a nightmare, that's all." He chuckled and sat beside me. "I'm Rick." I smiled "Olivia."

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