Chapter 18/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

I stared out the window at looked at the formations of the passing trees. That was until I heard a weird sputtering noise.

"What's going on?" I asked. Rick sighed "We're out of gas." He pulled onto the side of the road and the engine dies.

The rest of the vehicles stop behind us. We all get out of them and stand in a circle of the road. "What's the gas situation?" Rick asks.

"We are all running on fumes." Glenn says. Rick nods and runs his hand through his hair. "Okay, Abraham what about yours?"

"The engine just died and the gas tank is about a quarter full." Rick nods. "Everyone spread out and look around for shelter, if you find something then come back and honk the horn on the truck."

We all nod and we move in a groups to look around. Right before any of us can go into the woods we hear a scream.

We all run to the source and see a man getting attacked by two walkers. Rick goes up and kills them.

The man jumps down from the rock "Thank you." He says. "What's your name?" Rick asks.

"Gabriel." Rick pats him down "How many walkers have you killed?" Gabriel looks at him "None."

"How many people?" Gabriel looks at him like he's crazy "None."

Rick stands up "Why?" He asks. "The lord abhors violence." I can already tell this guy is gonna be a sissy.

Jordan's POV

In case this Gabriel guy hasn't noticed, there is no lord. Everyone has their weapons up and Rick findings the questions as well as frisking him.

"Do you have a camp?" Rick asks.

"No, but I have a church." The man says.

Rick pins the man up against the rock. They exchange incoherent words and suddenly were following this priest into the woods. I didn't trust this guy. Carl must've sensed my uneasiness because he took hold of my hand and smiled at me.

I was still new at this whole relationship thing. I didn't know what to do or how to act. What if I mess up? Will he hurt me? What if I say no to him? Will he breakup with me? A million thoughts were running though my head until we stopped.

I looked at the big white church. Rick got the keys from Gabriel and Carl kissed the back of my hand.

"I'll be out soon." He whispers as he goes to help the people who are going to scan the church.

Olivia came over and stood by me. I was going to hug her but then the voice stops me.

"She doesn't love you. If you hug her she'll hurt you." The voice hissed.

I put my arms back at my side and I slightly cower away from Olivia. She gives me a confused look and I give her a scared one. I looked at her hand saw it was resting on her gun and my heart rate picked up. I started hyperventilating and I ended up passing out.

Olivia's POV

What just happened? I hold her up as we wait for the others to finish up. Carl comes up "What happened?" He asks.

"I don't know, she just hyperventilated and passed out." I say. Rick walks up.

"It looks secure, we can go." I pick up Jordan and we walk to the church.

I set Jordan down on one of the pews and walk I sit beside her. I wasn't religious, and I completely stopped believing in God when the dead rose.

I crouched down and begin to pray. 'Dear God, if you even exsist. I pray that you keep my sister from harm, and all these people, good people.

I don't care about myself, just please, leave my family and let them travel to one day find a safe place and let them live in peace.


I get up off the floor and sit back on the pew. Rick comes and sits by me. He grabs my hand. "Are you okay?" He asks.

I nod. In reality my emotions were eating me up and not leaving any scraps. "Are you sure?" I nod once again.

You know he's just pitying you right?

Jordan's POV

I woke up on a pew and I saw Carl sitting next to me. He saw me awake and smiled.

"Morning sleepy head. Care to share why you passed out?" Carl questioned.

I shook my head and sat up. Bad idea. I got a huge headache and I held my head in my hands.

"Jordan? You okay?" Carl asks as he crouches in front of me.

I nod my head. Again, bad idea. A wave of pain washed over me and I groaned.

"I'll check if we have any pain killers." Carl said as he pats my knee.

I took a deep breath and sucked up the pain. Carl came back over with a water bottle and a pill. I gladly took the pill and popped it in my mouth. I took a gulp of water and handed it back to Carl. Olivia came over and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Jordan, why are you acting like this?" Olivia asked.

Because you don't care...

I shrugged my shoulders. She walked towards me but I scooted backwards.

"You're scaring her." Carl stated.

"I'm not scaring her! She's my sister!" Olivia exclaimed.

"She's gonna snap. She's losing it. Her sanity. It's slowly fading and you're going to be caught in the crossfire." The voice whispers.

"Just give her some time!" Carl shouted.

"She doesn't need time! She's fine!" Olivia yelled back.

Rick came running in to see what the commotion was.

"Alright let's take a breather here. What's going on?" Rick asked.

"Olivia is scaring Jordan!" Carl growled.

"She isn't scared of me! She knows I would never hurt her!" Olivia shot back.

I believed her. That's until the voice came back. "She's lying, don't listen Jordan." It demanded.

All three of them were yelling and screaming. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and ran out of the church.

"Jordan!" I heard them call after me.

Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I went to find a secluded area. I bumped into Daryl quite a bit away from the church.

"What's wrong, kid?" He asked.

I just sat down and cried. Knowing toughie, he didn't know how to comfort me so he just sat next to me. Eventually I got tired and fell asleep on Daryl's shoulder. I felt like I was floating but I realized Daryl was carrying me. Probably back to the church.

Olivia's POV

I sat on the pews and started hyperventilating. "I'm losing my mind." I say.

Rick wraps his arm around me "You're okay." I shake my head. "I scare my sister, I kill without guilt, and my cousin died."

He pulled me closer and I wept. I'm becoming a monster. I heard the door open and Daryl came in holding a sleeping Jordan.

I took a deep breath. "I need to go outside." I stood up and Rick followed me outside.

I walked alongside the church and eventually sat down on the leaves. "I'm becoming a monster Rick." I say.

"That's not true." I sigh. "My mom and dad are most likely dead, and I couldn't give two shits."

He looks at me "They were abusive bastards." I touch the nape of my neck were the scars end.

I stand up off the ground and lean against the wall. Rick stands up too, but he stares at the wall.

"What?" I turn around and come face to face with dozens of scratches on the wall.

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