Chapter 43/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

I woke up to loud knocking. It wasn't on my door but I went to see who was here anyways.

"I can't find Jordan, she didn't come back to the house last night." I heard Carl.

I chuckled lightly. He's always so worried.

"She's-." Olivia starts.

"Right here." I finished her sentence.

She smiled lightly before moving out of Carl's way. Carl ran up to me and embraced me tightly.

"Thank god, I thought something happened to you." Carl breathed.

"I'm okay. I'm staying here for now." I said.

"Oh..." Carl looked sad.

I didn't want to ruin Olivia's dream of just us living together, but I also didn't want to be away from Carl. He makes me feel safe, and he's a good cuddle buddy. I looked at Olivia and she looked back at me.

Carl continued to hug me as if my life was ending. I felt sad that I couldn't live with him, but I didn't want to make Liv feel bad. I internally sighed. Why must life be so difficult?

Olivia's POV

I smiled at the sight of them. "Why don't you two hang out today?" I mention. Jordan looks over at me. "Is that okay?" She asks.

I nod "Sure, I don't mind." She smiles then walks down the stairs. Carl follows her. Oh those two love birds.

I grabbed the paint cans from my room and moved them into Jordan's room. I hope she doesn't mind living with me.

I mean it was my dream for us to live together, but I understand if it's not hers. I pop open the cans of blue paint and grab a new paint brush.

I begin to paint the outline of the wave design when I hear a knock on the door. I set down the brush and try to wipe off the paint on my face.

I just result in smearing it so I run downstairs and answer the door. Daryl stands there.

"Hey Daryl." I say.

"Hey Liv, can I come in?" He asks.

I nod and slide over to let him in. He walks in and sits at the island at the kitchen. "I need to talk to you 'bout some things."

I nod "Want some coffee?"

Jordan's POV

Carl and I walked down the street, holding hands. I leaned my head on his shoulder. We went to a nice area with quite a bit of trees. No one was around so it was quiet. Carl and I sat under a tree and I laid across his lap.

"Would you rather, eat 112 ounces of chocolate pudding or a full pizza?" Carl asks while chuckling.

"That's an easy one, pizza." I laugh.

"Your turn." Carl smiles.

"Would you rather, date me or my sister?" I question as I snicker.

"You, of course." Carl smirks as he leans down to kiss me.

I smile as he rolls over me. He started to tickle me and I laughed.

"Carl, s-stop it!" I giggle as he continues to tickle me.

"Nah." He smirks as he continues to tickle my sides.

After he was done, we laid down in the grass.

"I love you so damn much." Carl says.

"I love you too." I breathe.

"Hey, Jordan?" Carl questions.

"Yes?" I answer.

He pokes my side.

"You're it." He whispers in my ear which sends chills down my spine.

He got up and ran around the area as I chased him. Today was such a laid back day. I almost forgot about the apocalypse, almost...

Olivia's POV

I sipped at my hot coffee. "Okay." I stated. Daryl just wanted to talk about how I was doing.

I was sitting by him and just staring off into space. "You don't need to worry about me Daryl, I'm okay." I say.

He laughs under his breath "Not after that stunt you pulled." He pointed at my arms. I sighed "You're like a brother to me Daryl, but I'm an adult."

I was looking over at him now. What I said was true. He was like a brother to me, while Beth was like a sister. "I'm okay Daryl, just believe me."

He nods "I know." I took a deep breath as a silence filled the void. Then he started leaning in. He was so close to me.

Then our lips met and I closed my eyes. He pulled me closer and I willingly let him pull me. I took a pause for a breath and he let me go.

I opened my eyes and saw his grey eyes staring down at me. I smiled and hugged him. My emotions were flying everywhere.

"What does this make us?" I ask. He smiles "Whatever you want." He leans down and kisses me again. He get up and takes a deep breath.

"Well I better get going." He says I nod and he walks out the door. I go back upstairs and continue to paint the waves on Jordan's walls.

Jordan's POV

After Carl and I played tag for a bit, we sat down for a rest. It was getting late and we had to go home soon.

"I'm going to miss cuddling with you..." Carl whispers in my ear.

"Same, maybe we can ask Liv if you can stay the night." I stated.

"I'd like that." Carl chuckles lightly.

I sighed. I felt safe, right here, right now. But as soon as I'm away from someone I know and trust, I panic. My father is out there, trying to kill me and my sister. What if he gets ahold of Olivia?

"Hello? Earth to Jordan?" Carl waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I just kinda spaced out." I mumbled.

"What about?" Carl asks as he pulls me closer to him.

"My dad... He's still out there." I state.

"Jordan, you know I'll always protect you, right?" Carl questioned firmly.

"Not always..." I mutter.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Carl asks angrily.

"You didn't protect me when Ron was about to rape me!" I shouted.

His eyes widened.

"That asshole made another move on you?!" Carl growled.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. This wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Carl asks.

"Because, I didn't want to burden you anymore than I already am!" I cried.

Carl's eyes soften.

"You're not burdening me. Baby, I love you and I need to know everything that going on with you. Even if it's something as simple as you downing a glass of water. I want to know everything that happens, I need to know." Carl says as he hugs me tightly.

I start softly crying. He's right, in order for this relationship to work, we need to know everything about each other. Carl pulled back and kissed me. His hand went to my cheek and caressed it softly. He wiped away my tears with his rough, yet gentle thumb.

"Anything else that I need to know?" Carl questions.

I shake my head. He stands up and helps me up afterwards.

"We should probably get you back to Olivia." Carl says.

"Don't forget, we are going to ask her if you can stay the night." I smiled.

We walked back to my house, hand in hand.

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