Chapter 26/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

We ran into the woods and eventually stopped at the giant rock where we saved Gabriel.

I panted and leaned on my crutches. Jordan better be okay. "We have to go get her." I say.

"Okay, but we have to make sure we are safe." I nod and start looking around. I see no walkers.

After a few minutes we all meet back at the rock. "Let's go." Says Michonne. I hobble through the forest.

There was a few walkers still inside but we killed them off.

I frantically searched through all the nooks and crannies in the church. "Jordan!" I yelled.

Then I saw it. A scrap of her shirt lied on the floor. I collapsed onto the floor and began to cry.

No...she can't be.....oh god. Carl collapsed next to me and I began to bawl.

My baby girl. My baby sister. Please lord, she can't be gone. I picked my crutches up and wobbled out of the church.

She can't be gone. She just can't be.

Jordan's POV

I was sitting in the passenger's seat staring out the window. I cried and every once in a while I let out a sob.

"Shut up!" My mom snapped.

I tried to stay quiet. I had to get out of here. The only way to do that was to- no. I couldn't. I'd kill us both. But it's my only chance... When my mom wasn't paying attention and I saw the perfect opportunity I took it.

I grabbed the steering wheel and turned it as far as I could. Our car slammed into the railing and it started to flip. Once it turned a couple of times it finally stopped by smashing into a tree.

My leg got crushed under the dashboard. I hit my head and I blacked out.
I opened my eyes and I was met with a walker. I had to contain my scream. My seatbelt was still intact as I tried to get it undone. Unfortunately, the buckle was jammed so I was stuck.

The walker was my mother. She reached for me. I cried as I tried to get as far away from her as possible. I wish Olivia was here. My vision started to fade as I slowly lost consciousness.

Olivia's POV

The group on the run found me outside. They took me back to the church and I locked myself into the office.

I couldn't stand to see anyone at the moment. I lied down on the floor and quietly cried myself to sleep.

The pain is just too real.

There's just too much that time can not erase.

The words echoed within the walls of my head. I wanted to be with Jordan. I would be with her if it meant killing myself.

I curled up in a ball on the cold dark ground and closed my eyes. "It's all your fault that I'm gone."

I opened my eyes and saw Jordan. "You're the reason I'm gone Olivia!" She snapped.

I stood up as she walked over to me. I noticed a glint in her hand. She waved the blade around.

"Your the whole reason my life was ruined!" She plunges the blade into my stomach. She pulls it out and smirks.

I clutch my stomach and back up a few steps. I fall down and into a deep dark hole of eternal depression.

I wake up with a jolt and shiver. I can't take the pain anymore. I grab my gun from across the room and look at it.

I blink away my tears. I sob softly and make sure the clip is loaded. I push it back into the gun and hear noise at the other side of the door.

"Olivia? Can I come in?" It's Rick. "Not right now." I turn the safety off. "What was that?" He asks.

I point the gun at the side of my head. "Open the door Olivia." I cried harder and put my finger on the trigger.

"Olivia!" The door is knocked down and the sound of my gun goes off.

Jordan's POV

I opened my eyes again. I was still in the car and a walker was still trying to eat me. Where was Olivia? I just wanted her to hold me and rock me back and forth saying it's going to be okay. Just like the old times.

"Olivia, please save me..." I whimpered.

My leg was killing me and so was my head. I had no weapons so the only thing keeling me from being walker bait is the fact the I'm in a car with a walker. I couldn't kill it so I had to watch it reach for me.

"Olivia I need you..." I sobbed.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


"Where are we going Liv?" I asked.

I was only 6, this was a year before I stopped talking.

"I wanted to take you someplace special for your birthday." She smiled.

It was spring time and all of the flowers were bloomed, the children were playing on the play ground and people were having barbecues. Olivia had her hand in mine as she walked me through the woods to our meadow.

We would always go here to get away from the abuse. There was a white and red picnic blanket with my favorite foods on them.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed happily as I went to eat the food.

After we finished eating, we played tag.

"Tag you're it!" Liv said as she ran.

I jumped on her and we fell to the ground laughing happily. I wish we could live like this forever.

Olivia's POV

Rick jumped just in time to push the gun out of my hand. I began to sob even harder. He grabs the gun and stands up.

Everyone crowds around. "What the hell happened?" Glenn asks. I curl up in a ball and cry on the floor as everyone freaks out.

I don't want to live without Jordan. She's the only reason I'm sane. Now that she's gone.....I'm in a mental crazy house. I'd do anything for her.


"Just stay here Jordan." I cover her up in piles of clutter and clothes. I close the closet door swiftly as I hear my uncle barreling up the stairs.

I curl up in a ball as the door swings open. "Where's the little bitch?!" He bellowed. I started hyperventilating. "She's not here."

"Where the hell is she?" He demands. "She's at the library." He stomps over to me and throws me to the ground. "Why the hell is she there?"

He picks me up by the arm and I grimace. I was very frail for a 17 year old. "Why!?" He shouts in my ear. Tears brim my eyes.

"It's for school." I cry. He twists my arm behind my back and I cry out in pain. "Liar." He lets go of my arm and pulls my hair.

I scream out in pain as he drags me out of the room. He throws me into the spare room and I don't bother getting back up.

He grabs a blindfold and rope. He ties me up and covers my eyes. "Stay here and rot you bitch."

I hear a door close and I hear him barrel back up the stairs.

I stayed in that room for two day and nights. No food or water.

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