Chapter 41/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

There was a town meeting tonight, but I'm not going, this is my only chance. When I left the infirmary I went straight to my house.

I locked myself in the bathroom with a piece of paper and a pen. With shaky hands I took the pen and begin to write.

I can't take this anymore so I might as well release the pain. I love you to no ends Jordan. Please don't mourn me. I will be the angel on your shoulder.

My tears stained the ink as continued.

Throughout my life I have experienced pain, but no pain like loosing my sister. These are my final words to everyone.

I had a great journey with you all, but eventually the journey has to end. Mine ends here, goodbye my loved ones.

I set the note of the sink and sat myself in the bathtub. I started running the cool water and let it go down the drain.

I sat down the tub with my clothes on. I grabbed my pocket knife and looked at my reflection in the blade. I pressed the cool blade to my wrist.

I swallowed my saliva and took a deep breath. My journey ends here.

I dragged the blade across my wrists, deeply cutting the veins. So many years of resistance down the drain along with the bloody water.

I cut until my arms were numb and I couldn't tell where the blood started or ended. I dropped my blade in the tub.

I closed my eyes and heard the door burst open.

Jordan's POV

My whole body went rigid.

"No..." I whispered.

I ran to the tub where Olivia was and I quickly took her knife and threw it. I turned off the water. She promised me, she promised me she'd never cut again. She lied, everyone lies.

I grabbed a towel and held it to her wrists. I sobbed loudly as I got in the tub and laid with her.

"Olivia please, don't leave me. If you do I'm not far behind." I sobbed.

I heard noises coming from in the house.

"Jordan?" I heard Carl.

"Carl go get help!" I cried.

I heard running footsteps and the front door opening. I shook Olivia to try and get her awake.

"Olivia please wake up!" I screamed.

I heard more running footsteps.

"Olivia?!" I heard Rick's voice.

Him and a few other ran in. I laid in the bathtub with my sister as she slowly died in my arms.

"Help her please." I sob.

Rick quickly picks her up, leaving me in a pool of Olivia's blood. Rick carries her bridal style out of the house and I just sit in the red stained tub. Carl remains as everyone else leaves in a rush.

He comes over to me and carefully takes me out of the tub. He sets me on the counter and grabs some towels. He wets one in warm water and starts wash off my blood stained hands. I sobbed quietly.

"She's going to be okay." Carl says.

I nod my head.

"Want me to take you to the infirmary?" Carl asks.

I nod my head as he picks me up bridal style. He carries me towards the infirmary and sits in a chair, with me on his lap beside Olivia's bed. I sobbed quietly and eventually fell asleep in Carl's arms beside my sister's deathbed.

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