Chapter 7/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

I woke up alone. I sighed and sat up. I picked up my notepad and saw a note.

Sorry I had to leave this morning, I had to go feed the animals and groom the horses. If you wanna know where I am, I'm probably outside.

I smiled and yawned. Wait a minute. I jumped up and looked on Olivia's bunk. She wasn't there and her bed was still made. Tears sprung to my eyes. I tried to desperately push them away. It worked. She'll be okay.

I walked out of my cell and down the stairs. I made my way outside and I saw Carl brushing the horses. I walked over to him and watched him do his work.

"Morning." Carl said.

I gave a shy wave. He brushed the horses and must've noticed me staring because he stopped and smiled.

"Come here." He said as he held the brush out for me to take.

I slowly walked over to him and he took my hand and rested it on the brush. He started brushing the horse. I smiled as we continued to brush the horse.

Olivia's POV

I opened my eyes and yawned. Now I can have time to be pissed. I looked outside and my eyes found the make shift animal pen.

I saw Jordan and a boy, I think his name is Carl, grooming a horse. I've never seen her smile that bright in a while.

I laughed at myself a little and made my way down the stairs. I walked outside and leaned against the concrete wall, waiting for her to look over.

Carl looked up and saw me. He smiled and poked Jordan. She looked and him and he pointed to me. She followed his gaze and her eyes widened at the sight of me.

She dropped the brush and ran over to me. I picked her up and held her in a tight embrace. "I told you I'd come back." I whispered.

She smiled as I set her down. She saw my hand and stared at it in horror. She grabbed it and I winced. She pointed im at it and put on a frown.

"I had to punch some glass, but I'm okay." She kept her frown on and walked over to the wall. She didn't have her notebook so she drew letters on the wall her finger.

I K-N-O-W Y-O-U W-E-R-E K-I-D-N-A-P-P-E-D.

I sigh. "I'll be right back, someone's gonna have hell to pay." She nodded and I walked back into the prison.

Jordan's POV

I went back to Carl and the horses.

"Wanna help feed them?" Carl asked as he motioned to the horses.

I nodded eagerly. He handed me some grass and I held my hand out to one of the horses. It smelled my hand and began to eat the grass. I giggled as the horse's lips graze against the skin on my hand.

I look at Carl and he smiles. I picked up some more grass and fed the other horse.

"Maybe one day Michonne will teach you to ride a horse." Carl chuckled.

My eyes lit up. I grabbed my notepad from where I set it and wrote something down.


He laughs and I can't help but melt on the inside. His laugh was so hot! Wait, what? Since when did I find Carl... Attractive? I mean yeah he's good looking but it's not time to think about relationships. For crying out loud we're in the apocalypse.

I gotta go

I wrote on my notepad and showed Carl.

"Okay, see ya." He smiled as he continued to feed the horses.

I briskly walked into the prison, not looking back at the boy who I've taken an interest in.

Olivia's POV

Steam was shooting out of my ears. Who in the right mind would worry my sister like that?

I marched in the cafeteria were the most people were. "Okay I would just like to ask, who told my sister about my 'accident'?"

Rick stood up from the crowd of people and walked over to me. "That would be me." I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside.

I took him to a secluded area and finally let him. "There are no words to express how angry I am." I say.

"Why should you be angry? I told your sister the truth." Rick replies. "That's exactly it! She's 13 years old Rick!"

"And?" He asks. "She doesn't talk because of that! She would cease to function if she found out something happened to me."

I took a deep breath then continued. "Be careful next time." I said quoting him from last night.

I marched back into the prison and ran into Beth. "Hey Beth." I say. She smiles "Hey Olivia, I was just going to the library, want to come?" She asks.

I nod and follow her to the library. We sit down on a couch and I just pull out a random book. It's a poem book. Beth pulls out her book and begins reading.

I read the first poem, 'Survivor Eyes'

survivor eyes
remain wide-alive
like the startled-ready creature, Days' predator
light caught in nights dead blanket
you see it
the sharpened appetite
the statued fight
no attack nor surprised surprise
mission heavy with frantic cries behind, oh
survivor eyes
fascinate the replete
and needless, to say
like me

Jordan's POV

I walked up to my cell and pulled out my diary. I know right? What the hell am I doing with a diary in the middle of the apocalypse? Well before the apocalypse, my friend, Maddy parents, took me in to a therapist.

He said it would help keep my thoughts in check. I opened it to a new page and began to write.

Dear diary,
It's been a while right? I've been a bit busy running from the dead. Anyways, I started writing in you for a reason. There is this guy, at the prison, his name is Carl and I've been developing feelings for him. I know I shouldn't and there isn't time in this world for relationships. He'd probably end up hurting me anyway... Psychically and mentally.

"Jordan! You're on watch duty now!" I heard Maggie call.

I gotta go do watch duty now. I'll try and write in you tomorrow.
Love, Jordan

I grabbed my notepad and ran out of my cell. But what I didn't realize is that I had left my diary open on my bed.

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