Chapter 34/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

"Olivia, please tell me." I begged.

"I'm sorry Jordan, I saw Carl and Enid kissing the other day. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get hurt." Olivia says.

By now, I was sad and pissed. Carl cheated on me... I guess I was right. I'm not good enough. The front door opened and Carl came in.

"Jordan what the hell?! I was trying to talk to you!" Carl shouts.

"Hey! Back off! Leave her alone!" Olivia yells.

Carl roughly grabs my arm and drags me outside.

"Carl you're hurting me!" I whined.

"Shut up." He growled.

We stopped where there wasn't many people.

"How could you do this Carl? I thought you loved me..." I whisper with tears in my eyes.

"Jordan I did- I do just please hear me out." He begged.

"No Carl, I'm done with your bullshit. I'm done with us." I spat.

I walked away and I walked down the middle of the street. I heard running footsteps behind me but I ignored them. Suddenly, they grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. It was Carl. He smashed his lips on mine but I shoved him off and then slapped him.

He was pissed. I tried to walk away again but he grabbed my arm and yanked me. I whimpered in pain.

"Don't leave me." He growled out.

"I will do what I want." I spat in his face.

He wiped it off and the punched me in the face. I fell to the ground from the force. I licked my lips and tasted blood. I could already feel a bruise forming on my jaw.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I hear an unfamiliar voice yell.

I sit up and I see another boy our age. He grabs Carl and shoves him to the ground. He then helps me up and brings me back to the groups house.

"Thanks, uh..." I trail off waiting for his name.

"Ron." He says.

"I'm Jordan." I reply.

"Nice name, I'll see you around?" He questions.

"Yeah. I'll see ya." I said as I opened the door.

I walked into the kitchen and Olivia looked pissed and stressed. She noticed I came in and looked at me. She gasped when she saw my face. I had a bloody lip and probably a bruise. Isn't this going to be fun to explain.

Olivia's POV

Jordan came back in with a bloody and swollen face. I kneeled down and examined to face. "What. The. Hell. Happened?" I growled.

"I, um, something happened." She mutters. "Tell me Jordan." I say. She sighs as I begin to clean her up. "Carl h-he hit me."

I stop cleaning her up and close my eyes. This is just the fucking day, everything is going to shit. "As soon as I'm done cleaning up you, I'm going to have a little chat with Rick."

She nods and let's me try and help with the swelling. I grab an ice pack from the freezer. I wrap it in a dry cloth and give it to her.

"I'll be right back." I say. She nods and I walk out of the door. You thought angry and my mouth were bad? Well, let's try my mouth, rage, and my hurt sister.

I walked down the street for a few minutes until I finally find Rick near the walls. I tap him on the shoulder then cross my arms.

He turns around and looks at me. "What?" He asks. Wow, he's fucking pissy. "Keep your child in line!" I snap.

"What?" He asks again. "Are you deaf? First he goes off and cheats on my sister, then he goes off and hits her in the face!" I cry out.

"What the hell Carl." He mutters. "Next time he hurts my sister, physically or emotionally, there will be a price."

I begin to walk away. "I will give the price myself if I have to." I walk to the group house and sit in the corner of the deck.

I look around and see all the homes on the block. I hate to admit it, but this whole 'safety' thing, doesn't seem all that safe.

Jordan's POV

I held the ice pack to my face and sat at the kitchen table. I had many emotions flying around my head. Sadness, anger, depression, but most of all, hurt. I thought that I've been hurt before, but this was just terrible.

Never have I ever thought that is be hurt by someone I trusted and loved. I scoffed. Loved... It will never be the same again, I will never be the same again. I sighed and looked at the scars on my arm. It actually made me feel better when I did it.

I looked around and made sure no one was in the house. I went upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. Olivia told me to keep my knife on me at all times, so that's what I did. I took it out and brought it to my wrist. The cool metal rested there but the blade didn't move.

I tried to do it but I couldn't. I dropped the knife and sighed. I looked in the mirror and I almost cried. No wonder why Carl didn't want to stay with me. I'm hideous and broken. No one wants me. I picked up my blade again and this time I did it. Blood dripped from the knife and down my arm.

It felt good. It made me think about my physical pain and not my emotional pain. For some reason, it felt better to be in physical pain then emotional. I heard a door opening downstairs and I quickly found something to clean up the blood. I put on a sweater I found and I wiped off my blade.

I put it back in my holster and flushed the toliet. I walked out of the bathroom and back downstairs. I found Olivia pacing around and she seemed stressed out. I didn't want to add to her stress so I just left the house.

"Jordan!" She called for me.

I ignored her and continued walking. I found Ron walking around and I walked up to him.

"Um, hey... Can we hang out?" I ask him.

"Sure." He replies.

He leads me towards his house and we go upstairs to his room.

"Wanna play video games?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled slightly as he handed me a remote. I reached out to take it and my sleeve moved a bit. He saw blood on my arm and looked at me.

"Don't worry about it." I said as I started up the game. This was going to be a long day.

Olivia's POV

I watched her walk out the door and stared after her. What is going on? I shake it out of my head and walk upstairs. I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I lean my hands on the sink and stare into the mirror. I look at the features on my face. I wipe off the dirt from my face. As much as I hate to admit it, I look like my mother.

I look down into the sink for a moment and let the memories weigh me down. I open my eyes and look back to the mirror.

I slide against the wall and look around. Then I notice the small trash bin. An extreme amount of toilet paper was stuffed into it, and it was clean.

I take out the tissue and look at the bottom of the bin. A bloody cloth sits at the bottom of the bin. I take out and see the it is fresh.

Jordan was in here, not too long ago. No, no it can't be... I cover up the cloth in a few pieces of tissue and another cloth to be safe.

I put it in my pocket and stand up. I open the door and walk out. I walk down the steps and almost run into Carl. I give him the ultimate bitch face and walk out the door.

I walk down to the gates. "I'm going for a walk." I say. The people open the gate and I walk out. I pull out my pocket knife once I am far enough in the woods.

I have a plan, and I need to act on it.

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