Chapter 28/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

We sat in the back of the fire truck and Jordan was propped up while Maggie wrapped something like a makeshift cast around Jordan's leg.

I stared outside as the gravel road passed and we traveled. Then the engine started spitting and puttering. "Dammit!" I heard Abe mutter.

I hopped as carefully as I could out of the fire truck. "Truck's out of gas." I sigh and sit on the ground. Well, now what are we supposed to do?

"Okay," Rick runs his hand through his hair. "I guess we split up and look for shelter." We nod and split up in groups.

I was looking through the wood with Rick, Jordan, and Carl. Rick stops me as Jordan and Carl go ahead.

"Why would you do that?" He demands. "Do what?" I ask. He puts his hands on my shoulders. "At the church!"

I took a deep breath "I thought my sister was gone okay!" I whisper yelled.

"I can't loose you Olivia! I can't..." He sniffs and looks up at me. I kiss and hug him. When the kiss breaks I look up at him.

"I wasn't thinking right, I'm fine now." I turn and begin looking for shelter again.

Then the rain starts.

Jordan's POV

Carl and I we walking, looking for shelter. I had my gun out and I was walking around.

"Jordan! Look!" Carl exclaimed.

I looked to where he was pointing and I saw a barn.

"Let's go get the others!" I said.

Then it started to rain.

"Hurry!" Carl exclaimed.

We laughed as we ran back. Well I limped. I saw Olivia and Rick.

"We found a place." I said.

"Good, let's go." Rick said.

We all headed back to the truck.

"There's a barn this way!" Carl shouted to the group.

Everyone was there and we all grabbed our stuff and headed to the barn. Once we got there, we boarded the doors off. I went to Olivia and we sat down. I laid my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I love you Liv." I whispered.

"I love you too Squirt." She whispered back.

I slowly drifted off into dream land.

Olivia's POV

I stared at the fire in the middle of the room. I looked over at Jordan and tears brimmed my eyes. Those couple of days that I thought she was dead, I was completely and utterly destroyed. I look at the scars on my arms and look at hers.

Now that I have her back, I just want nothing more than to find a safe spot and live peacefully with her. I lean my head on hers and look at the flickering flames.


I sat on the dirty bathroom floor, my razor blade in hand. Tears brimmed my eyes as I pushed the blade closer to my wrist.

I started dragging the razor across my wrist. The pain hurt like hell, but it was my only opening.

A few thuds on the door caused me to drag a deep cut across my arm. I hissed and began to rapidly clean up the blood.

"Who is it?" I asked. Three more knocks was my answer, so it was Jordan.

"One minute." I cleaned up the blood and opened the door. Jordan went into the bathroom and stopped dead in her tracks.

She walked over to the sink and picked up a shiny object. She showed it to me with tears glimmering in her eyes.

It was my razor blade.

She began sobbing and threw the razor to the ground. She stomped over and lifted my sleeves; revealing my fresh cuts.

"I'm sorry Jordan." I whisper.

I look at the scar from that cut and sigh. I was a fool to cut. I was cut off from my thoughts by a thud on the door.

I look over and see that Daryl is up from it too. He peeks through the crack in the door and immediately puts his arms up; blocking the door.

I gently set down Jordan as thunder booms. I wobble over to Daryl. The door bends in and out. I help him push it back.

Eventually everyone is up and pushing it. I close my eyes and put all my weight onto the door. Lightning and thunder cloud over the barn.

With all us working together we will make it through the night.

Jordan's POV

Eventually, the walkers stopped trying to open the barn and we all went to lay down and go to sleep. I curled up with Liv again. She patted my hair and kissed my forehead.

"We will find someplace safe, I promise Squirt." She says softly.

She hasn't called me Squirt in a while so I smiled.

"I know." I replied.

"Get some rest, we might have to leave early tomorrow." Liv whispered as she pulled my body closer to hers.

Before I completely fell asleep I heard someone come over by us.

"Is she asleep?" I heard Carl ask.

"Yeah." Liv whispered.

I could feel someone leaning over me. Soft lips were pressed to my forehead.

"Goodnight Jordan, I love you." Carl whispers as he gets up to leave.

I was going to say I love you too, but I was already fast asleep.

Olivia's POV

I woke up and stretched. Jordan was sound asleep on the ground as was everyone else. I looked around and saw my cane.

I left it alone, hopefully Jordan will use it. I found a crutch in a small room and took it, it was too big for Jordan.

I walked out and saw that Maggie was up. "Hey, I'm going outside. Want to come?" She asks. I nod and we walk outside.

Everything was trashed destroyed from the storm. We found a log behind some fallen trees and we sat down.

"How you holding up?" I ask. She sighs "I'm dying, we all are, yet I feel fine."

"How about you?" She asks. "As long as everyone else is okay, I'm okay." I say. She smiles and we look at the morning sky.

A few twigs snap and I whip out my knife, Maggie pulls out her gun. A man walks out from the bushes.

"Hello." He waves a hand and then puts them up. "Who are you?" Maggie demands.

"I am-" I cut him off. "Aaron?" I ask. He looks at me and nods. He doesn't remember me. "It's Olivia!" He looks at me shocked.

Jordan's POV

"Have you seen Olivia?" I asked Glenn.

"She went out with Maggie." Glenn replied.

I nodded my head and limped over to Carl.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"I'm okay, what about you?" I question.

"I'm holding up." Carl replied.

"Wanna go outside?" I asked him.

"Sure." Carl says as he grabs my hand.

We went outside and saw fallen trees on the walkers that were trying to get in the night before.

"It looks the the wind blew hard enough to knock over some trees." I said.

I saw three figures emerging us.

"Carl." I whispered as I held up my gun.

Carl did the same and had me slightly behind him. Once we saw Olivia and Maggie we put our guns down. There was another man with them. This world just keeps getting more weird.

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