Chapter 27/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

I've been here for days. I was slowly withering away. I had lost all hope of Olivia saving me. I started whimpering. My leg was numb with pain. I couldn't move and I was crushed.

I heard some noises and I saw walkers come out of the woods. The headed towards the car. I started panicking. I looked around for any weapons. There was about a dozen walkers.

My mother was still trying to eat me. Tears came to my eyes. There was no way I was going to get out of this alive. Then an idea hit me. The glove compartment. I reached as far as I could and I popped the glove compartment open.

There was a revolver in there. Thank god! I grabbed it and fiddled with the safety switch. Once I got it off I fired it at my mother. It was so loud I probably attracted walkers from a five mile radius. Wait, I'm only half a mile away from the church!

If the group is there they can probably hear the gunshots. A walker grabbed me and pulled out of my thoughts. I quickly aimed the revolver at the walkers head and I pulled the trigger. It echoed loudly. I started to get lightheaded. I guess what happened is finally catching up to my body.

Exhaustion took over and I fell asleep, dropping the revolver.

Olivia's POV

I awoke on the floor due to a gunshot. "What the hell was that?" I ask myself. I grab my cane and try and open the door.

It's locked. I groan and look around. The trap door is still here. I lift it up and look at the ground. I toss my cane down onto the ground.

I slowly slide down onto the leaf covered ground. I shimmy out and stand back up on my cane. I look around and I don't see anyone.

I hear church doors swing open and I slide against the wall. "I can't believe Olivia would do that." Rick says.

"She wasn't thinking Rick, the girl'l be okay." Daryl says. I see them walk off into the woods. I quietly stalk them and the various others with them.

"Now your sure it was a black van with a white cross." Rick states. Daryl nods and they head off in the other direction from the gunshot.

I feel for my knife, but my holster is empty. Dammit! I look around for something I could use. I find a fairly sharp rock on the ground.

I pick it up and I keep walking until I meet the main road. The only reason I am doing this, is because there is a chance that the gunshot might be from Jordan.

I take a deep breath and make my way down the road. I see fresh tire tracks along the road. I sigh and continue to follow the tracks as I hear another gunshot.

This time, it's a lot closer.

I start to pick up my pace and I gasp at the sight of the woods. About two dozen walkers or so start stumbling out.

Jordan's POV

I opened my eyes and I saw a walker about to eat me. I screamed loudly.

"Jordan!" I heard Olivia.

Wait, Olivia? Am I dreaming? If so, that's just cruel. The walker grabbed my shirt and I tried to move. My leg was still caught and as I moved it made it worse. I screamed even loudly than the first time. The pain was just unbearable.

"Jordan!" I heard Olivia again.

"Help me!" I sobbed.

My leg was killing me and I felt like I was about to be crushed by the car. The car was still upside down and I was still stuck in my seat.

"Hang on Jordan! I'll get you out!" Olivia said.

The driver's door opened and my mother was dragged out. Olivia came in and started to cut my seatbelt.

"Wait!" I yelped.

"What is it?" Olivia asked in a panic.

"My leg, it's stuck, I think it's broken." I whimpered.

Olivia's eyes widened and I knew I wasn't going to get out of here.

Olivia's POV

No. No no no. Oh hell no! Jordan handed me a revolver and I began shooting at all the walkers.

After I ran out of bullets, I began slapping them with the bottom on my cane.

They started coming closer to the car and I screamed. I'm not leaving like this! "I love you Jordan." I whispered.

I closed my eyes and curled up in a ball. Suddenly I felt walker blood splatter over my head and arms.

I looked up and saw Maggie. She, and Abraham and his group were killing walkers like no tomorrow. Maggie helped me up and I began helping them.

Eventually all the walkers were now just piles of bodies on the ground. I hobbled as quickly as I could to Jordan.

She was crying on the seat. "Jordan!" I yelled. She looked up "Are they gone?" I nodded and hugged her. "We need to get her out now!" I demanded.

Abraham and Rosita walked over. We all used our strength to lift the seat. Jordan groaned out in pain as I pulled her from her seat.

I sat on the ground and held her in my arms. "What happened?" I asked. She began crying a little once again. "Mom found me."

I held her closer to me and rubbed her back. "Did the bitch get what she deserved?" I asked. Jordan nodded.

"We have to go, they found Beth!" Maggie exclaimed. Abraham took Jordan since I could not carry her.

I sat in the back of the fire truck which I currently despised. This truck is what caused me to break my leg!

Jordan was sat down beside me and we began driving to the place where Beth is. "I'm going to have to crack the bone into place." Maggie says, examining Jordan's leg.

"Just think of a happy place, and bite this." She handed Jordan a cloth and Jordan bit down on it.

Jordan held my hand tight. "Ready?" Maggie asked. Jordan nodded. "1......2. " Maggie shifted Jordan's leg without saying three.

Jordan screamed through the cloth and I grimaced. Eventually when Maggie was done Jordan passed out.

After a half hour or so, we came to the city, specifically a hospital, where Beth supposedly was.

"I'll stay here with Jordan." I say as Maggie runs out. Jordan stirs just in time for me to hear a scream.

I peek out and see Daryl holding Beth. A dead Beth.

Jordan's POV

My eyes widened. No, not Beth... I saw Carl and I quickly limped to him. Once he saw me his jaw drops and his eyes widened. He runs to me and embraces me in a hug.

"Oh my god. I thought you were dead..." He whispers as he hugs me tight.

"I love you." I finally said.

I've never said it in person and I was glad I did now.

"I love you too. Don't ever leave me." Carl says as he looks into my eyes.

"Never..." I said as I rested my head on his chest.

"W-who shot her?" I asked.

"Dawn." Carl says.

I have no idea who that was but I decided not to ask. Carl noticed my all of my cuts, bruises and my leg.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly and he checked me over for anymore injuries.

"Car accident." I said.

He just nods. He easily lifts my up and carries me to the firetruck. Maggie was broken. We all loved Beth, but she would last long. No of us will. The human race is soon to be lost.

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