Chapter 32/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

Shortly after I had coaxed Jordan back to sleep I went to sleep alongside her.


I took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. It was my grade 10 talent contest. My parents weren't in the crowd, but I saw Jordan and her friend Maddy in the crowd.

I smiled and sat on the stool. The pianist started to play and I trimmed a few chords. Then I began to play and sing.

"I'm not saying that

I felt like you cared."

I was singing 'Salty Seas' by Devics. The words poured from my soul and out my mouth.

"I'm not saying that

I want to go back."

The song meant a lot to me. I related to it.

"The salty sea behind the eyes

And it's the tears

That come and make me cry."

I continued to sing and let the words flow within the room. I strummed the last chords then silence took the room.

I only heard two sets of claps, the rest of the audience was crying. I smiled and said thank you. I walked off the stage along with my guitar.

Jordan's POV

I woke up the next morning and I saw everyone was still sleeping. I heard there was hot water here so I went up to the bathroom. I had some clean clothes that the Alexandrian's gave us and I set them on the counter. I looked in the mirror and saw I was very pale, skinny and my eyes were a dull grey.

I took off my clothes and stepped into the hot water. It felt nice against my dirty skin. All of the blood, dirt and gross stuff washed off of me with the help of soap. I shampooed my dirty and greasy blondish brownish hair. When I was done, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel.

I dried myself off and put on the fresh clean clothes I was given. I found a brush, hair tie, new toothbrushes and toothpaste. I opened one of the tooth brushes and put some toothpaste on it. Once I finished brushing my teeth, I brushed my hair and put it in a side braid.

I noticed my makeshift cast was dirty so I took it off and re-wrapped it with medical stuff. I knew it wasn't perfect but oh well. I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs. Everyone was awake now and I smiled slightly.

"The hot water is amazing." I said.

Some people stopped what they were doing. They looked at each other before racing upstairs towards the bathroom. I rolled my eyes playfully and slightly limped towards Olivia.

"How come you're not using your cane?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. She sighed.

"Jordan you're not going to get better if you don't take precautions." Olivia lectured me.

"I don't need your stupid lectures. Just let me live how I want to!" I snapped.

I had never acted like that towards Olivia before. She looked utterly surprised. She was probably going to yell at me but for some reason I didn't care.

Olivia's POV

"Who are you?" I whispered. This isn't my sister. A couple tears fell from her eyes and she ran outside. "Jordan!" I called after her.

I followed her down the street as fast as I could with my crutch. Finally, I couldn't keep up anymore. I collapsed onto the road.

I gasped for air and tears fell. Where has my little sister gone? I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder "You 'right Liv?" I turn around and see Daryl.

"M-My sister has c-changed." I weep. He helps me up. "How so?" He asks. "S-She yells, she talks! Now e-verytime I see her, I see fear."

We walk back to the house I thank him. "No problem kid." He says. I walk inside and see Rick with a woman, she's cutting his hair.

I ignore them and walk upstairs. I have enough on my plate. I knock on the bathroom door and hear nothing.

I grab a fresh pair of clothes from the bedroom and walk into the bathroom. I lock the door and turn on the shower.

I look in the mirror and exhale. This isn't the face of a normal person, this is the face of a survivor.

I strip down and take off my cast. My stitches look better then before, but it will leave a hell of a scar.

I go into the shower and smile, I can't remember the last time I had a shower. I let the water wash away my sadness.

After my shower I throw on my new clothes and put my dark brown hair into a ponytail. I look in the mirror.

This isn't the face of a normal person, this is the face of a survivor.

Jordan's POV

I'm a monster. I yelled at my own sister. What is wrong with me? I sat against a tree, closed my eyes and sighed. I heard someone coming and I opened my eyes. I saw a girl about Carl's age. I was instantly jealous. She was so pretty! Way prettier than me anyways.

"Hi." She said as she sat beside me with a book.

"Hi." I replied.

"I'm Jordan." I say.

"Enid." She states.

"Pretty name." I said.

"Thanks." She replies as she reads her book.

I just nod my head. I sighed as I stood up. I walked over to the house and I looked in the window Olivia was sitting on a chair in the kitchen, crying. It was all my fault. I walked into the house and went into the kitchen. Olivia looked at me.

"Come here to yell at me more and tell me you don't need my 'stupid lectures'?" Olivia snaps.

"No... I came to apologize. I didn't mean what I said, I'm just really stressed out and I'm scared..." I whispered as I put my head down.

Tears fell out of my eyes and hit the floor. Olivia stood up an hugged me.

"We've all been through a lot but were going to get through this together okay?" Olivia says.

"Okay..." I reply as we continue softly crying and hugging.

Olivia's POV

I kneeled down to her eye level and smiled at her. Throughout the years, I noticed her growing up, but today she has shown me that she is becoming a young woman.

"I found a guitar, we could play together." I say. She smiles and sits in the on the stool in front of the piano.

I go upstairs and grab the guitar. I walk back downstairs. I see Jordan practicing on the piano.

I smile and sit next to her and tune the guitar. "What song do you want to play?" She asks. I think about it for a moment.

"How about 'Salty Seas? I dreamt about it last night." I ask. She nods and we begin to play.

I remember when I wanted to practice, she would play the piano (only when our aunt and uncle weren't around.)

This song brings back many memories, I know they were horrible but sometimes, sometimes I wish that if I had the backbone that I have now.

I would go back, and fix this. We would find these people regardless, and we would be happy.

But at the same time, I'm happy. My sister is happy and so am I.

That's all I could ask for.

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