Chapter 15/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

Once my vision cleared I looked around for Olivia. She wasn't here and neither was Rick, Daryl or Glenn. I banged on the door and screamed. They couldn't take her away from me they couldn't! She was the only person I had left.

I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist and I fell into the person. That person was Carl. I gripped onto his shirt and cried. He pulled me away from the door and sat with me in an empty corner.

"Shh, it's okay." Carl whispered.

I sobbed into his chest, soaking his shirt.

"My dad will get her out. Don't worry." Carl soothed me.

I took a deep breath. He was right. Rick would do anything for the group. I know he'll keep her safe. I snuggled into Carl and went to sleep.

Olivia's POV

I blinked a few times and stared at my reflection. Where am I? Then it all came flooding back to me.

Terminus, the group, Jordan.....Jordan! I have to get back to her. I tried moving but I was tied up.

I looked up and saw Glenn, Daryl, and Rick. On my right were three people who I did not know.

Rick was sending an evil glare to a blonde man at the end of the trough. Two men in white appeared in my field of vision.

The one with the machete walked over to the blonde man and placed the blade at his throat.

He sliced the blonde mans throat open and the blood poured into the trough. The machete man continued to the next two men.

He placed the machete at my throat. A single tear fell down my face. I'm sorry Jordan.

Just then Gareth walked in with a clipboard. "Bullet count." One of the men answered "Fourth two." He checks it off and points at machete man.

"Didn't count, but I'll go now." He gives the machete to the other man and walks out of the room.

Gareth walks up to Rick and takes off his gag. He asks him something but I can't hear. The machete is pushed to my throat again.

Then a big blast rumbles the room knocking me over.

Jordan's POV

There was a huge explosion, shaking me from my slumber. I looked around at everyone scared.

"What the hell was that?" Abraham asked.

Carl held me tighter against his chest.

"I don't know." Maggie whispered.

We sat in there for what felt like forever. Someone opened the main door and everyone jumped up with their weapons. Standing there was Rick, Daryl, Glenn and Olivia.

I jumped out of Carl's arms and ran to her. Tears poured out of my eyes as I jumped into her arms. She hugged me tightly and then pulled me back.

"We gotta go, now." She said to me.

She handed me a gun and gladly took it. Rick, Glenn and Daryl gave everyone else weapons and we were off.

Olivia's POV

Walkers poured in from the giant hole. We shot at them and kept them away from us. Rick pulled me closer to him as we shot at the walkers.

Does he still have feelings for me? I wonder. We found a dumpster right by the fence.

I grabbed some of the mats around it and gave it to the man standing on top of the dumpster. I think his name was Abraham.

I helped Jordan up and she climbed over first. Finally it was just me and Rick. "Go!" He yelled.

I shook my head "Get your ass over the fence, I'll hold them off!" I yelled back. He sighed and climbed up the dumpster.

He climbed over the fence and I followed. My landing wasn't really graceful, and I ended up on my back.

I groaned and got up. I immediately found Jordan and the rest of the group, we ran into the woods.

After a while we stopped and walked. Jordan tugged on my arm and mouthed 'I need a break.'

I nodded "Me too." I looked up at the group "We need a break." Everyone nodded and we sat on the crunchy leaves.

Rick sat by me and Carl sat by Jordan. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded "Scared shitless, but yeah."

He grabbed my hand and held it. I took a deep breath. "It's okay." He reassured me.

I smiled and heard leaves crunch behind me. I whipped out my gun and pointed it at the source. A woman.

"Who are you?" I demanded. She held up her hands and chuckled. "I'm Emma, and I just saved your ass."

Jordan's POV

Carl had his gun raised as did I. He shifted slightly so that I was a bit behind him.

"What do you want?" Glenn asked.

"Nothing from you. I was planning on blowing that place up anyways. But since you guys were there I thought I should lend a helping hand." This Emma girl smiled.

She looked at me.

"Say, I've got a girl at my place about your age. I think you'd be good friends." Emma says.

Carl snarled and pushed me behind him. Jeez! What's gotten into him lately?

"She isn't going anywhere with you." He growled protectively.

"Not just her, all of you. I have enough room for you." She said.

"First, three questions." Rick implies.

"Sure." Emma shrugged.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asks.

"Too many to count, that's for sure." She chuckled.

"How many people have you killed?" Rick questioned.

"One." She said.

"Why?" Rick demanded.

"I blew his ass up because he was a cannibal, happy?" Emma spat.

I didn't know who this woman was but for some reason I had a terrible itch to see the girl she was talking about. I began to walk towards her. I put my gun down.

"Jordan, don't let your guard down." Olivia said.

I nodded my head and watched the woman carefully. She began to walk and I followed her. I beckoned to the group and they all looked at each other. They shrugged and followed after us.

Olivia's POV

We followed this Emma character and I was still on edge. I looked around and saw all the faces of the group.

These people are my family. I don't want anything to happen to them. Emma pushed the branches that showed a small concrete building.

"Don't worry, there are tunnels underground, so it's bigger then it looks." Emma says, unlocking the door.

She shows us inside and closes the door behind her. She flicks a switch and lights go on, showing a tunnel.

"I'm back!" Emma yells. She has others here. A small blonde girl peaks around the corner.

"Emma, you brought guests!" She smiles. I look at Jordan and she returns it.

The girl looks around and her eyes land on me and Jordan. "Olivia? Jordan?" She questions.

We nod. She smiles her brightest smile and runs over to hug us. "I thought you guys were dead." We hug her back.

"Penny?" I ask. She looks up and nods. I kneel down and hug her tighter. "Who is she?" Carl asks.

"She's our cousin." I say.

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