Chapter 33/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

Olivia and I played our instruments. When the time came, I started singing.

"I'm not saying that, I felt like you cared." I sing softly.

I have never sung in front of anyone but I always used to sing on my own, even though I didn't talk. Olivia looked at my with wide eyes. I smiled and I sung the next part.

"I'm not saying that, I want to go back." I sung.

Olivia smiled softly and we both began to sing.

"The salty sea behind the eyes and it's the tears that come and make me cry." We sang in perfect harmony.

When the end of the song came Olivia let me sing.

"The sudden ease when you arrive and it's you that makes me try." I ended softly.

We played out the rest of the instrumental and let it die down. There was clapping begin us and when we turned around almost the whole group was there. Olivia hugged me and I smiled. I was finally happy, where I belong.

We may be in the apocolyspe but I couldn't be happier with my family.

Olivia's POV

When I turned around and saw the group, I blushed like crazy. I haven't sang in such a long time, especially in front of my family.

That's right, my family.

"That was awesome you guys!" Glenn says. I smile and Jordan and I bow. When we come back up we start laughing.

I haven't laughed in a very long time. Rick came up to me and I noticed his beard was gone. He came and kissed me.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I say. He nods and I walk outside. I walk down the street and to the gates.

"I'm going for a small walk, in sight, just down the road and back." The people nod and open the gate. I walk outside and take a deep breath.

That's when I notice Carl in the woods. What the hell is he doing out here? He walks into the woods and I look around.

I sneak into the forest behind him. That's when I notice a girl in front of him. I follow them until Carl is pulled into the tree.

I climb up a small tree, barely grimacing. I climb up to branch to get a better view, then I see something that I can't un-see.

Carl and that girl were kissing.

What am I going to tell Jordan? She is finally opening up and being my sister again. I can't tell her, I just can't.

Jordan's POV

I haven't seen Carl all day and I was starting to miss him. What if he went off with some other girl and forgot about me? I started to panic when the front door opened. Carl walked in and smiled.

"Hey Jordan." He says.

"Hiya Carl." I smile as I stand on my toes I can reach his lips.

He pulls me in and we kiss. I don't know why I'm in such a good mood but I like it! I see Olivia come in the door and I wave to her. She smiles slightly and waves back. She gives Carl a dirty look and walks away.

"What was that all about?" I asked Carl.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"You missed mine and Olivia's big performance." I chuckled.

"Any way I can get an encore?" Carl asks as he snakes his arms around my waist.

"Hmm, I don't know..." I smirk.

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