Chapter 6/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

I sat in my cell while the search group went to track Olivia. I took out a photo album that I had taken before we left the house. I looked through the pages, a tear falling out of my eyes ever picture I see.

They were all of Olivia and I. Ever since we got separated I looked through this book, thinking of her every second. There was a knock on the wall. I wiped my tears and put my photo album away.

I looked up and saw Carl. I nodded my head and he came in. He sat next to me on my bunk.

"I'm sorry." He says.

I get my notepad and scribble down more words.

Why? It says.

"Because, I treated you bad when you just asked for directions. It's just, I don't like seeing people hurt. I can tell you're hurting because it's in your eyes. Every time I look in them, they hold hurt and sorrow." Carl said.

I look away and let more tears fall. Carl gently grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"It's okay to cry. Only strong people cry." Carl said.

I gave him a questioning look. He chuckles lightly.

"It takes a lot of courage to cry in front of people. Only strong hearted people can cry. Weak hearted people try to hold in the tears and be strong, it's only showing you have no strength." Carl explained.

I hugged him. Hugging him took a lot of courage. He hugged back before he stood up to leave. I grabbed his arm. He looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asks.

I write down a few words on my notepad and show him.

Can you stay here? I'm scared...

He nodded and laid down next to me. I snuggled into his chest and go to sleep.

Olivia's POV

I put my hands up. "Don't do anything you'll regret." I say. John scoffs "Should've thought about that before you broke out."

He poised his gun at my head and tightened his grip around the trigger. I ducked the minute he pulled the trigger on his pistol.

I scrambled for the knife in Tim's throat and sliced John's leg. He grasped it and hissed. "You little bitch."

I tackled him to the ground and stabbed him the the process. I pulled the knife out of his stomach as he gasped for air, choking on his blood.

"Who are y-ou?" John choked out. I stood up "I'm just a pathetic bitch." His eyes went glassy and he went limp.

I left the armoury only to be confronted by three more men. Shit, the bullet was really loud. "Time to die bitch."

I closed my eyes as they raised their guns. Then gunshots went off. I opened my eyes and saw bullet holes in their skulls.

Glenn and Rick stood at the end of the hallway with guns raised. I just wiped the blood off my face and walked past them muttering "Thanks."

Right now I'm too tired to be pissed.

Jordan's POV


Everything was dark. That is until a light was turned on.

"Get up Jordan, we're going to uncle Philip's house today." I heard Olivia's voice.

I got up and got dressed, not saying a word. It's been a week since that thing happened. I walked out of mine and Olivia's room and went to the kitchen.

Olivia, as usual, was making breakfast. She made pancakes and bacon. I smiled as she handed me a plate.

"Still nothing today?" She questioned me.

I shook my head and sat at the kitchen table. I quickly ate my food and began doing dishes.

Once my parents were done their food, they threw their plates in the sink. Water splashed me and got all over my clothes.

"You can't go to Philip's house like that! Change, you stupid bitch." My mother growled as she tossed her knife at me.

It sliced the back of my hand and I winced in pain. She left laughing and Olivia came over.

"I'll do dishes, let me clean that up." She said softly as she carefully dried my hands.

She sat me on a chair and got the first aid kit from the cupboard. She cleaned my wound and put a bandage on it. She quickly went to wash the dishes while I went upstairs to change.

All of our stuff was packed because our parents are shipping is off to our aunt and uncle. I sighed as I pulled my shirt on over my head, not before staring at the millions of scars along my back.

I quickly pulled my shirt down and left my room, taking my backpack and stuffed animal with me.

"Come on Squirt, let's get in the car before they flip out." Olivia said as she brought me to the car.

She threw her bag in the trunk along with mine and we sat in the backseat, waiting for a possibly better future, or worse.

Olivia's POV

While the guys were looting the place I sat outside and pulled out the pieces of glass from my hand. I winced at the pain and pulled out the last piece.

Rick tosses the last gun into the back of the truck. I stood up off the stump that I was standing on and hopped into the back seat.

Daryl sat in the back with me while Rick drove and Glenn sat in the passenger. I scratched at my scars on my wrists.

"Ya know, self harm isn't the answer." Daryl noted. "Yeah, I know." I didn't mean for it to come out bitchy but I can't help it.

I wiped the now dry blood off my face. A single tear fell down my face. I killed two people today.

It was either you or them, and besides you can't leave Jordan in this world alone.

As the sun was rising I saw the gates of the prison. Somebody opened them and we drove through them. As soon as we parked, I got out.

"Olivia wait!" Rick called. I turned around and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry we weren't paying attention to you."

I scoffed "I'm not in the mood." I turned to walk back to the prison, but he grabbed my arm. "Just be careful next time."

Are you fucking serious? "Me? I was the one who screamed for you guys, I don't have eyes on the back of my head!"

I jerked my arm and stomped into the prison. As much as I wanted to see Jordan, I don't want to be pissed in front of her.

Instead, I went up one of the towers and cried until I fell asleep.

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