Chapter 8/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

I was halfway through the poem book when the smell of soup wafted through the library.

"I'm gonna go eat, see ya later Beth." I waved and she waved back. I ran to kitchen and I was handed a bowl.

I sat down at a table by Glenn and Maggie. "You know, I never thanked you." I say.

Glenn looks up. "For?" He asks. "For saving me from those people." He smiles "You're welcome." Maggie holds his hand.

I finish up my soup and clean out my bowl. "Oh and Olivia?" Maggie calls. I turn around. "Jordan's on watch duty, hope thats alright." Her accent pops.

"No problem." I walk out and back to my room. When I walk in, I notice a book lying on Jordan's bed.

I look at it and read the words scribbled on the page. This is Jordan's diary. I giggle at her crush on Carl.

I'm happy for her, she finally found someone that she can care about. I adjust the diary so that it was just the way it was.

I walk back to the library and see Beth is still there. "Can I sleep in your cell tonight?" I ask.

She nods "Sure, I was just about to head there." She puts her bookmark in her book and we walk back to her cell.

Jordan's POV

I was standing in the watch tower, watching outside of the gate. I heard someone come in and I whipped around with my gun out.

"Calm down, it's just me." Carl chuckled.

I put my gun down and sighed with relief. He stood beside me and leaned against the railing.

"Nice day, huh?" Carl asks trying to start up conversation.

I nodded my head. After we stood up there for a couple of hours Maggie called up to us.

"5 minutes." She called.

I nodded. Carl and I stood there.

"So Jordan, I know we haven't know each other for long but, I um kinda like you..." Carl mumbled.

I looked at him with shock. He leaned forward and kissed me. Images flash through my mind and I push him away. He looks at me confused and I run out of the watch tower.

"Jordan!" Carl called.

I ran into the prison and looked for Olivia. I needed to stay away from Carl. And possibly everyone else.

Olivia's POV

I lied on the top bunk and stared at the roof, it felt weird not sleeping with Jordan.

I heard a loud panting noise outside the cell and I sat up. A figure ran past the cell.

I hopped off the bed, careful not to wake Beth. I peeked around the corner and saw Jordan looking around frantically.

"Jordan?" I whispered. She whipped her head around and looked at me. She ran over to me and hugged my waist.

She started sobbing and I kneeled down to eye level. "What's the matter?" I asked. She shook her head. "Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, then it's okay.

She nodded and continued hugging me. "C'mon, I have an idea." I held onto her and lead her to the library.

I sat her down on the couch and lit a candle. I pulled out the poem book that I was reading before and sat beside Jordan.

I read 'Survivor Eyes' to her. After a few poems she fell asleep on my shoulder. I was about to fall asleep before Glenn came into the library.

"Olivia!" He exclaimed. I looked up at him and put my finger to my mouth, making him be quiet.

"I was on watch and somebody came banging at the fence, I need help!" I carefully left Jordan on the couch and ran outside with Glenn.

Sure enough there was a person banging at the gates. "Just grab him and I'll do the rest." Glenn says before running to the chain.

The gate opens and the person runs in. He seems to be a boy, maybe about my age. "Thank you." I grab him and wait for Glenn.

Glenn comes running from the gate and grabs the man. "Thanks Liv, I'll talk to Rick about this guy." I smile and nod. Nobody really calls me Liv but Jordan.

Speaking of which. I ran inside and sat beside Jordan in the library. I fell asleep beside her.

Jordan's POV

I woke up to a clicking noise. I opened my eyes and saw Beth with my Polaroid. She smiled.

"I found it on your nightstand." She said.

I was a bit mad that she touched my stuff but that anger disappeared as soon as she smiled. I rolled my eyes and carefully got up. Olivia was still sleeping so I quietly got Beth into the hallway.

"There's a new guy here. Rick locked him in a cell, doesn't think he's 100 percent sane." Beth said.

I nodded my head. We walked towards our cells and I went into mine. A hand was thrown over my mouth and I was slammed against the wall.

"Now, be quiet and I won't hurt you." A guy said.

I was scared shitless. He had a knife held to my throat. I wish I had stayed in the library.

"You're going to come with me, the governor requests it. You won't make a sound and you will cooperate or I will kill you in a second." He growled.

I nodded my head in approval. He walked out of my cell along with me. He replaced his knife with a gun and he held it to my head.

Once we got into the courtyard I heard the man, Daryl I think his name was shout.

"HEY!! PUT 'ER DOWN, ASSHOLE!!" That drew attention.

People were out here in seconds. They all had their guns out and aimed at the man.

"You shoot me I shoot her!" The man yells.

Tears were streaming down my face. I saw Olivia run out of the prison.

"JORDAN!" She screamed.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Once I opened them I saw Rick holding her back as she screamed for me. I saw Carl standing there with his gun up, tears streaming down his face.

"LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!!" Liv screamed.

Everything went black and I was shoved into the back of a car. I started hyperventilating and I eventually passed out.

Olivia's POV

"YOU FUCKING DICKBAG" I screamed after the car. I started hyperventilating. "Where is she going?" I asked nobody in particular.

"Woodbury." Rick simply stated. "Where the hell is Woodbury?" I growled. I was beyond pissed.

"Just a little while from here." I marched into the prison and into the armoury. I grabbed my bow, knife, gun, knife and gun holster.

I tied the gun holster to my leg and put a little box of ammunition in my pocket. I hooked the knife holster to my belt and slung the quiver over my shoulder.

I was about to walk out when I ran into Rick. "Move." I growled. "You can't go alone." I scoffed "Watch me."

I tried stepping to the side when Rick blocked me again. "One you don't know the way. Two you don't know Phillip like us."

I cringed at the name. "Phi-llip Blake?" I stuttered. Rick nodded "I think so, why?"

My mouth went dry and I almost collapsed. I started to run out of the armoury before Rick grabbed my arm."

"Why?" He asked again. I gulped and tears poured down my face. "We have to get her out of there now." I said as calmly as possible.

"Tell me why." Rick demanded. I sighed and wiped a few tears from my face. "Phillip Blake is the reason of this!" I showed Rick the scars on my wrists.

"Also this." I lifted up my shirt over my head so he could see all the scars lining my back. I lifted my shirt back over my head.

"Phillip Blake is my abusive uncle."

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