Chapter 47/ Jordan & Olivia

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Olivia's POV

I woke up in my room. and felt a raging headache. What the hell happened?

I looked over and saw alcohol bottles lying everywhere. Was I drinking? I remember having wine, then it's hazy.

I rub my forehead as I begin to clean up the bottles. I toss them in the trash and almost fall over.

Yup, I'm hungover.

I look outside and see the moonlight shining through the window. I was out for quite a few hours.

I walk out of my room and immediately regret it. With a burst of strength I run to my bathroom and hurl in the toilet.

I wipe my mouth and groan. I seriously do not drink.

I hop up and walk out of my room once again to the hallway. I opened Jordan's door and she is nowhere to be seen.

I walk downstairs and see her asleep on the floor. What happened to her.

She looked like she had been crying, or in pain.

I decided to leave her, I didn't want to cause her more pain. I walk back upstairs and lie in my bed.

How can this get any worse than it is?

Jordan's POV

I opened my eyes and whimpered in pain. I lost my sister to alcohol. She promised me that she would never hurt me. I stayed in my position and cried lightly. It hurt my back but I couldn't help it.


"You stupid bitch..." Mommy slurred.

I was terrified, I didn't know what was happening or what was going on. I was only 5. I tried to walk away but mommy slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground. Liv came into the living room.

"Don't hurt her, she didn't do anything!" She shouted.

At least daddy wasn't home... He would hurt us really bad if he heard us yelling. I think Livy said he was out with, a whore? I don't even know what that means. Mommy punched Livy in the eye and I screamed.

"Shut up!" Mommy shouted as she kicked me.

I whimpered as Olivia got up and shoved mommy. She grabbed me and ran to our special place. Livy called it a meadow. She set me down on the grass. The cool night air blew threw my hair.

"Why do mommy and daddy hate us?" I asked as tears poured out of my eyes.

"It's the alcohol, I think. They're always drunk." Liv spat.

"Will you ever be like them?" I asked her.

"Of course not! I would never hurt you Jordan. I promise." Livy says as she hugs me.

We lay down and fall asleep in the meadow.

I comeback from my flashback and cry a little. Why did she have to break her promise?

Olivia's POV

Every footsteps and creak in the house radiated through my head and hovered in the deep recesses of my brain.

I covered my ears with my pillow and tried to go to sleep. The door opened and I groaned.

"Jordan?" I asked. I looked up and hair covered my face. Daryl stood in the doorway and I quickly moved my hair.

"What the hell did you do?" He asked. I flopped back on my pillow as he sat down by me.

"I was fucking retarded and got drunk." I hear him sigh and I can bet that he rolled his eyes.

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