Chapter 31/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

The RV made a spluttering noise and slowed to a stop.

"What's going on?" Rick asked.

"The engine smoked up again." Aaron says.

"If this is some kind of joke-." Rick started angrily.

"It's not, this damn thing is old." The other one, Eric said.

We all got our stuff and got out of the RV. I walked behind Daryl and away from Olivia and Carl. I didn't want to mess up their lives even more. It would probably e better if I just left anyways. That's what I'll do. I'll make sure Carl and Olivia are happy and then I'll leave.

We continued walking for a while and I saw huge metal walls. This must be the safe haven.

"Welcome, to Alexandria." Aaron says.

Alexandria. Too bad I'm not staying. It looks nice. I sighed as everyone carefully walked into the enclosed area, known as Alexandria.

Olivia's POV

I looked around the land known as Alexandria. The two story white homes looked like they were freshly painted, a long with the picket fences.

It's like this place was untouched by all the madness and craziness outside. It kinda sickened me.

An older woman walked up to us with her hands in her coat. She was fairly short, she had short auburn hair that ended below her ears.

"Welcome, I'm Deanna Monroe, My husband Reg," she motioned to the man beside her. "Is the one who built these walls, follow me."

We followed her to a white building, a man came out with a small cart. "Please just put your weapons on the cart."

Nobody stepped forward to do so. "Please, some of the people here are frightened of the weapons."

Eventually one by one our weapons were put on the cart. I left my pocket knife in my boot for safety reasons.

Deanna smiled and guided us through the neighborhood and to a house. "Somebody could stay here if you'd like." Before anyone could say anything Rick spoke up.

"I think we'll all just stay in one house for tonight." Deanna nods and gestures to the house.

We all walk in and I look around. It seems just like a normal home. Well, what I assume to be a normal home.

"Now I'm going to need to talk to you all one by one." Deanna says. "Maggie?" Maggie steps up and follows Deanna out of the house.

Jordan's POV

One by one we were all taken in to talk. I didn't want to say anything but I knew I had to. I sat with Olivia in the big house even though I knew she hated me. I laid my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my arm.

"Jordan you're up." Glenn said to me as he came back in the house.

I took a deep breath and stood up. Glenn showed me the way to Deanna's house. Once we got there Glenn started walking away.

"Good luck!" He called.

"Thanks." I called back as I opened the door to Deanna's house.

I walked in and I found her sitting by a camera. I walked in and sat down in the chair across from the camera.

"Hello, Jordan, is it?" Deanna questioned.

I nodded my head.

"Just a couple of questions." She smiled.

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