one - past

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"It's so great to finally be on break for a few months."

Our Take Me Home Tour had just ended tonight and management (surprisingly) had let us have four months off. The next few months is when we get to decide where we like to go. The lads and I decided that we will go to the Bahamas for three months and then the last month we will be going home to our families. Personally, I am so excited.

"Hey, Nialler, why you smiling at your phone?" We all did some wolf whistles as his cheeks became bright red.

"What's it to you, Harry?" I shrugged my shoulders and waited for him to continue, like always, "Well remember my childhood best friend, Darianna?" We all nodded our heads, waiting for him to continue, "I was going to see if I could invite her will us to the Bahamas because all the other lads are bringing their girlfriends too"

"I don't see what the problem would be, Niall," Liam said, thinking him bringing a friend would be good. We all know that he is madly in love with her, "Also she asked if she could bring her friend that she is living with. Can she?" We all said yes as he called her and excused himself from the room, a smile never leaving his face.

Maybe her friend will be hot and I could get myself a girl?


"Are you lads all packed up?" Paul, our body guard, asked us. We all said yes and began lugging our suitcases along with us as we talked behind Paul. Perrie (Zayn's girlfriend), Eleanor (Louis' girlfriend), Danielle (Liam's girlfriend) and Darianna and her friend will meet us at the Bahama's airport. We couldn't get them plane tickets that would leave the same day as us unless they went to another plane. So it was just the lads and I, like old times.

"Whatcha thinking about, Hazza?" Louis asked me, sitting down on the seat next to me.

"Just thinking about the girl. I mean I am the only single one-"

"Niall's single."

"Not for long."

He smiled before patting my knee, "One day you'll find your soul mate and when you do, you'll be the happiest person ever. You'll get this twinkle in your eye and she will be the only one for you. If you fall for Darianna's friend, don't go breaking her heart. You'll have to be by her side because dating a famous person isn't always easy," Louis squeezed my shoulder before leaving to go back to his seat.

What a weird conversation


Once we made it to the airport, Paul guided us around to a closed off area where our bags would be and where the girls were. Once getting into the room, I saw five girls.

"Zayn, baby, I missed you so much," Perrie jumped into Zayn's arm, hugging him tightly. I looked over at Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Danielle and saw that they were all in a passionate embrace, hugging each other for dear life. I walked over to Niall, who was hugging Dar.

"Guys I was you to meet my best friend ever, Dar. Dar this is Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn. Lads this is Dar," She waved happily, a twinkle in her eye. I remember Louis talking about the twinkle, I wonder how long they've been in love and have just been too scared to tell each other.

"Oh guys, this is my best friend, Kaylee. We live together in Ireland during school for College," Kaylee came out from the shadows and I swear my heart stopped. She is so beautiful.

"Hi, I'm Harry," I said, introducing myself to her.

"I'm Kaylee," I stuck my hand out and she shook it. Her eyes were so blue, it reminded me of the oceans here. Her hair was dark brown and then I looked at her shirt which caused me to laugh.

"Nice shirt," I said, and she smiled. It was a shirt that said 'I <3 British and Irish Boys'

Paul came over to us and interrupted our conversations, "Alright boys so your hotel is only fifteen minutes away from here. A van is outside waiting for you. Enjoy your stay and if you need me, I will be in the hotel across the way," Paul smiled at us, before leaving to retrieve his bags. We all grabbed our luggage and packed it into the van. I sat next to Kaylee and we laughed and talked.

When we reached the hotel, we thanked our driver and grabbed our luggage, heading into the hotel.


"Nice job management," I yelled, running into our presidential suite. It was huge.

"Okay so, it says here that we each need a roommate."

The lads went with their girlfriends and picked a room they liked. Each room had two beds and I'm thinking that they will probably push the beds together to make it one bed.

"Alright so it's just us four. It's up to you girls."

"I'll room with Niall," Dar said. She and Niall walked off to their room, laughing and talking the whole way.

"So, I guess it's just you and me," Kaylee nodded her head and we walked off to the last bedroom up here, "Pick the bed you want," I told her once we were inside the bedroom.Kaylee picked the bed closer to the window, so I got the bed closer to the bathroom.

"So, what are you majoring in college?" I asked her as we both began to unpack our suitcases.

"I'm majoring in medicine. I want to become a vet for horses. It's been my dream since the third grade," She smiled softly. Her eyes light up when she talks about something she likes. Kaylee and I stopped talking for a little bit, just letting the silence surround us.


"So, you ready for the beach!?" Louis screamed while running towards the ocean. You would never believe that he was the oldest in the band and I was the youngest. It's crazy right?

"You girls aren't going in the ocean?" I asked the girls as they all laid on their beach towels and started tanning.

"Once we are done tanning," Perrie said, turning over so her back was to me. I smirked, knowing exactly what I was going to do. I ran out to the other boys as they splashed around in the ocean.

"I say we each pick up our girl, throw them over our shoulders and drop them into the ocean," They all nodded at me in agreement and soon they were staring at me with smirks plastered on their faces.

"Since when did Kaylee become 'your girl'?" I punched Niall playfully on the shoulder and shook my head walking away. We each walked up to the girls.

"Whatcha doing Harry?" Kaylee asked as I blocked the sun from her and I smirked.

"Getting you into the water."

"What the hell are you talk-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I threw her over my shoulder, "Harry Edward Styles! Put me down this instant," I smirked and made my way to the water.

"Sure, as you please."

"No I didn't mean here. Wait Har-"

I dropped Kaylee and she went right into the water. She came back up with a scowl on her face. "You're going to pay, Styles," I laughed and walked away.

"Wait," She said and I turned around to see her giving me the puppy dog face.

"What?" I asked walking back. She put her hands in my hair and let them trail down the side of my face. Her hands went painfully slow down my chest and traced over my tattoos. She inched farther and farther down to the top of my yellow swim trunks, tracing the 'V' line. Just as I was about to moan she pushed me, making me lose my balance and fall right under the water. I came back up to her laughing. I just stared at her and the way the sun caught her face and how her hair blew in the wind. To me, she looked like an angel.



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