fourteen - present

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This story is dedicated to anjellyca_ because she commented on the last chapter and made my day by saying that she liked it and stuff. Thank you because that means a lot! 

(Also the top says (Present) so we're going back to the prologue)


"So mum just ran away?" Darcy was a bit confused. She kept asking us questions, interrupting us after each adventure we had told.

"Yes," Perrie said, "And I blame myself because I wasn't able to stop her." Perrie had a distant look in her eyes. Zayn just place his hands her shoulders and kissed her cheek, shaking her out of her thoughts about the past. It was nobody's fault.

"Stop dwelling on the past, baby. Stress isn't going to help you, alright? Nobody blames you for Kaylee leaving and nobody blames you for not being able to stop her. Right guys?"

Zayn looked around at each and everyone of us. The eight of us agreed with him, because it's true. We didn't force Kaylee to take her lives. I'll always blame myself and nobody else's words can stop me from thinking like that. Kaylee was the love of my life and I miss her more and more everyday. Darcy, being just like her mother, was curious as ever trying to find out the real reasons behind her mother's death so no matter what, I could never forget Kaylee.

"So you're telling me that my mum fell in love, was sad and happy at the same time and ran away? That's stupid and immature. Why would she run away from her problems? Why would she run away from the one thing that she loved?" Darcy spoke just like Kaylee. She had a way with words that made you second guess everything.

"I don't know, but I guess your questions will be answered after this whole story is over."

Darcy looked at me, her eyes wide and curious, "How much longer do we have?"

Louis looked at the clock. We had been telling the story for over three hours now. "I'd say this is going to take all night."

We agreed with him because Kaylee and I's love story was long and at times tragic. Darcy took a sip of her water and then looked over at me. She had moved and was now sitting next to Liam, "So she went back to Ireland because your fans were hating on her? I still can't really see you guys ever being famous. At school, some of my friends parents always want me to ask you guys for autographs.They say they ask about me all the time. "

The five of us had this silly, sad smile on our faces and I knew we were all thinking about the fun times we shared as One Direction. Those fans grew up with us. We watched them grow and vise versa. It's said to think about but our history with them will always be with us, They gave us the best years of our lives and I couldn't be more thankful.

"Our fans weren't lying when they said they would love us forever. They said that we would always be somewhere in their hearts and in the back of their minds. They will always have a place in our hearts," NIall said, smiling the whole time. "They changed our lives forever and I'm eternally grateful for that."

"They're amazing people, but yes Kaylee did run back home to Ireland and yes because our fans were hating on her. We got hated on too and sometimes things were more towards Harry but that's a story for another day. Getting hated on sucked and it put you into a bad mood where you felt depressed. Often you questioned yourself at why you were even here and why people even loved you. I guess that Kaylee just questioned herself more than others and so she fled back home, breaking things off with your father," Danielle said. She was so right about that. I was just another person, like everyone else, living my dream of singing and so many people wanted to take that away from me.

"And so you guys wrote her a song?"

"Well I wasn't going to break up with her for no apparent reason so we called in Ed Sheeren and the six of us sat there writing the song. It took a while but once we got it, we got on a plane to Ireland and I won her love back."

Darcy awed and clapped her hands, "That's the cutest thing ever. Oh my gosh." We laughed at her as she squealed. "Anyway can we get back to the story now? What happens next?"

Everyone looked at me and I laid back into the couch, getting comfy again, "Well we stayed with Kaylee and had some of our stuff shipped to Ireland and the rest sent to our flats and our parents homes. We never went back to the Bahamas and soon, it was time for us to go home to our families. And that's when I started missing her the most because..."


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