Sep 10th: World Suicide Prevention Day

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Hey Everyone!

Today is a day I thought needed to be talk about and posted in this story. It's World Suicide Prevention Day. Every year, at least (or even more) 34,000 people die by suicide. That's at least one death every 15 minutes. Every year a family, a friend, a wife, husband, or a loved one loses someone they love to suicide. 

In this story, the main character loses his wife to suicide. I am trying to show that the actions and things people say to others, affect that person forever. If you bully, threaten, or mentally and physically abuse a person, it stays with them forever. A person might be mentally abusing themselves and because of this, it leads to suicide. Depression might have taken it's tole on someone.

I'm trying to let people know that it's okay to be sad but it's not okay to keep those feelings to themselves. It's okay to scream and yell or punch a wall but it's not okay to take it out on yourself. As a person who knows someone that has committed suicide, I know the pain. I know what is feels like to hurt because of losing someone.  I know what it's like to feel like you've hit rock bottom and you're never getting better. I know what it feels like to want to die. But, there are so many people that would be affected around you if you committed suicide. So many people feel like nobody cares about them but it's the exact opposite.

So I'm writing this to let everyone know that's reading this that I care and that someone in this world cares too. I'm writing this in memory of those who lost a loved one and for those who lost the battle to suicide.

I'm writing this to let everyone know that it's okay to be sad but it's not okay to not tell someone. 

And always remember suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

So please if you know someone (or even yourself) who is completing suicide or has suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273 TALK (8255). You will be calling the crisis center in the Lifeline network closest to your location. You will reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 

Please, spread the word of World Suicide Prevention Day and help save lives.

With All The Love In This Entire World,


p.s., if anyone needs any help with anything or just wants to talk, i'm here. i am always here. 

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