twenty two - past

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I opened my eyes, feeling someone moving around next to me. I knew that Kaylee was trying to get out of bed but frankly, I didn't want her too. I was warm and I loved the feeling of her in my arms. Call me corny, but it's the truth.

"Harry," She whined playfully. I tightened my grip on her waist.


I smiled and she gave me a look, "Harry Edward Styles."

I chuckled, "What?"

"You know what, come on, loosen your grip on my body so that I can get up."

This time I whined. "No, Kaylee. Please just stay here. I like having you in my arms. You make everything better."

She laughed, turning around to face me. Her eyes were twinkling and a playful smile was on her lips. "I have to pee really bad."

I smiled. "To bad. Hold it in."

I felt her give up as her body relaxed into my arms. She turned around to face me again and kissed me. I didn't hesitate on kissing her back. I decided to pull her over so that she was on top of me. Not thinking clearly. I ran my hands up and down her sides. She broke away from me, smiling widely. I thought she was going to go back and kiss me again but instead, her lips traveled to my ear and said, "I win."

Not being able to comprehend everything quickly, she rolled off of me and onto the floor. She crawled over to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her with her laughter booming off the walls.


The lads and I were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Niall and Louis were eating cereal, Liam was eating waffles, and Zayn and I were eating toast with eggs. Kaylee was up stairs in my bathroom taking a shower. It was quiet at first until Niall decided to start a conversation.

"Are you going to tell her or even ask her about the interview?"

I sighed, "I don't know. I mean she isn't really good in the spotlight. She gets so much hate. Even if she does tell her story, I bet you the hate won't stop. It might even get worse."

Liam shrugged his shoulders, "How do you know that? Say she does the interview and tells her story. Some people might feel bad for her and stop hating on her. Yeah, she might still get hate because that's life and no matter what some people just send others hate to make themselves feel good. You will never know if you never try."

"I hate it when you're right."

Liam just smiled smugly at me. Soon, I heard feet coming down the steps, "Whatcha guys talking about?"

Louis, being Louis, decided to say, "About an interview."

Zayn smacked him upside the head and Niall's eyes were bugging out of his head. Kaylee gave me a confused look and grabbed a waffle from Liam's plate and sat down next to me."I thought you told me that you guys didn't have any interviews for a few weeks."

Louis smiled, "Harry was telling the truth. We don't have any interviews but you might."

Confusion was written all over Kaylee's face so Louis kept talking, "Go on, Hazza, tell her. You shitheads, stop giving me those looks. She had the right to know and it is her decision if she wants to do it. So stop being a pussy and tell her." Louis huffed and looked at me.

"Harry, what's going on? I'm so confused."

"I keep getting calls from management and Simon. Apparently, they are getting lots of phone calls from interviewers because they want to have you on their show. Management thinks this will be good because celebrities don't usually have their girlfriends or boyfriends on a show by themselves. I was going to tell you but with all this hate, I don't think it would be such a great idea."

Kaylee thought for a minute before asking, "Why would they want me on their show? I am nobody special or famous. I have nothing to tell."

I smiled a bit, "That's where you're wrong. You have so much to tell and you are very special, well at least to me, the lads, and the girls. The interviewers want you because they want to know your story. Everyone wants to know how you became friends with Niall. They want to know about the stabbing and how we fell in love. They will probably even ask you about the hate and just everything. I think it might be too much for you. I was going to tell you but I already know what your answer will be."

Kaylee looked at each and every one of us. She smiled at Niall and looked back a me. "Will you boys be there, like in the audience?"

Niall nodded his head and she continued on, "Then fine, I will do it. If you guys weren't going to be there then I probably couldn't do it. I'm actually kind of excited."

We laughed at her enthusiasm. "One more question, Kal."


"You have to pick your interview. There's Katie, Joe, Linda, Mary, Josie, Bob, and Michael."

She thought for a moment, "I guess I will go with Katie."

"Alright, let me go and call Simon back. I will let you know what day and time and everything. I love you"

"I love you too," she said while smiling.


Kaylee and I were laying on the grass in the backyard. Our heads were touching and we were looking at the stars.

"So what did Simon say?"

"He said that Katie will be very happy to do the interview. Simon said that it will be in two days so we are leaving for LA tomorrow morning."

I felt Kaylee nodding her head. I looked at her and noticed her eyes were closed. "Are you tired, babe?"

"Yeah, are you?"


"Wanna sleep out here tonight?"

"Harry! Gross, there's bugs."

I chuckled at her girlishness, "I"ll protect you from them. I'd protect you from anything. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I do."



"I love you."

"I love you too."

"To the moon and back again."

"To infinity and beyond."

I laughed again at her reference to Toy Story (Liam's favorite Disney movie) and just closed my eyes, letting sleep envelop me

I wish we'd have more peaceful nights like this.


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