A Major Thank You

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I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has added this story to their libraries, read this story, commented, voted, liked it etc. I know 50,000 views might not seem like a lot to most people but to me it is and I thank you for that. (Because let's be real, people have millions upon millions of views)

I never thought this story would ever make it that far and this is the longest story I have ever written.I am not the best writer ever but I love to read and I always get these ideas for a story.

I wrote Suicide to show the struggles everyday people go through every day with bullying. I also wanted to show you what celebrities girlfriends go through everyday because of fans and it's horrible.

If anyone of you have any questions of this story, highlight this part and I will make a new question with your questions and my answers.

I will be posting new stories soon my new Werewolf Story, A Luke Fanfic (Summer Lovin') and Bus Stop (Liam Payne).

Now I believe this needs to be said:

Everyday, hundreds of people commit suicide because of bullying, self hate, and so many other things. I want you all to know that bullying and cyberbullying is a serious matter and if you are the victim of bullying, I suggest you seek adult help instantly.

Also, I feel like the terms 'self-harm' and 'cutting yourself' has been thrown around on social Media as like a joke (like how 5H fans told 5SOS fans to cut deeper on Sunday). I feel like self harm is a serious matter because that can lead to suicide. I have a friend who cuts himself and almost committed suicide and that scares me to no end. It scares me so much and seeing that fan bases tell other fan bases to cut deeper makes me feel sick and gross.

Another thing is that you are all important, you are all worth something and you all deserve to be here on this planet to live your life. I know some days you might feel like you aren't worth it, or that you're worthless and pathetic because trust me, I think like that every day and I know it's hard to want to fight through it but you need too. There are people out there that care so fucking much about you like your parents, family, friends, teachers, etc. You all have an importance to being here today and you all will do something extraordinary when you grow up.

So, put that razor down tonight and flush those pills down the toilet because you are amazing and you are worth so much. I love you all and I thank you for everything and just for being yourself.

Always remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

If you are thinking of committing or are going to, please seek help from your family, friends, teachers or even message me :)

Or call these numbers below:

1-800-273-TALK (8255) you'll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7. (United States) (http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/)

08457 909090 (UK) (http://www.samaritans.org/)


Thank you for everything and I hope you read my other stories when I post it.


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