thirty eight - past

702 22 15

{Edited- and to the side if Harry wearing his mom's bra. I laugh every time}


"Are you ready to go, babe?" I asked Kaylee, seeing as we only had twenty minutes to get to Niall's flat. Today we would be telling Niall's family and the lads that we were expecting a little boy or girl. I'm really nervous. I hope the boys will accept that we're growing up and there will be a sixth member of One Direction.

"Yeah, just give me ten more minutes." Seeing as she said that ten minutes before, I walked into our room to see her bras all over our bed.

"What are you even doing?" I asked, trying to not laugh at her. She was shirtless in front of the large mirror with just her skinny jeans on. Her low cut top was lying on the bed underneath her bras.

"Well, I never went bra shopping and every bra I wear, it makes my boobs look like they're going to pop out at any second.."

Not being able to contain my laughter any more, I laughed. "Alright well, just pick one to wear and you can wear one of my jumpers on top. After we're done at Niall's I will take you to the mall."

She sighed, "Alright." Kaylee snapped a bra into place and went into my closet to get one of my jumpers. She zipped it all the way up, covering her breasts.

"Are you ready now?"

"Yes, Harry. Jesus, calm your tits."

I chuckled, oh the irony of that statement.


"So, what was the big news you have to tell everyone?" Perrie said, leaning on Zayn's arm.

"Yeah, I was going to take my parents out to lunch but you people ruined my plans." Niall said, earning a slap on the back of his head from his mum.

"Ow, what was that for?" He asked, rubbing the back of his had.

"Manners Niall," She scolded, "Now, what was the news you have to tell everyone?"

Kaylee took a deep breath, "We're having a baby"

Wow Kaylee, way to rip the band aid off.

It was silent for a while until tears formed in Mrs.Horan's eyes and the room erupted into cheers. "I knew it!" Louis said, crushing Kaylee into a hug.

"Hey! Watch out, you're gonna squish the baby," I said, pushing Louis away from my baby mama.

"When did you find out? I am so happy for you two," Dar said, giving Kaylee a hug.

"We found out a few weeks ago. In a few days, we go to the doctors for our first ultrasound."

Niall smiled and said, "I am going to be the best uncle ever, just you all see. This baby is going to be spoiled. I am going to take him to all the Derby games."

Danielle laughed, "What if the baby is a girl? What if she doesn't like Derby games?"

Niall scoffed, "I will spoil her in other things then. I will buy her cute frilly dresses and punch all the boys away from her."

Louis laughed, "Mate, I am pretty sure I will be the best uncle ever. I'm going to buy her a pony."

"And Lou, what if the baby is a boy?" El said.

"I know this baby is going to be a girl. I bet you all."

I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my hand, "You are not going to take bets on my baby to see if she or he will be a girl or a boy. I forbid it."

"You're a party pooper. Look, you're already turning into the daddy of the group. I am pretty sure that Liam isn't Daddy Direction anymore."

We laughed at Lou's statement and then Kaylee spoke up, already proving that she was going to be the cool mum, "I say you make a bet. Whatever gender the baby will be, this will make a great story to tell when he/she get's older."

Kaylee took the bet on saying the baby was going to be a girl.


Kaylee and I were currently in Victoria Secret's in the mall. Kaylee was a little hesitant on letting me come in with her since she knows I'm going to want her to model everything for her.

"How about this?" I asked her, showing her a very sexy lacy nightgown.

"How about no?" She said, pulling me towards all the bras.

"What about this?" I asked her, showing her a lacy thong.

"Harold, people are staring. Put that down and follow me to the back. I swear to God, I will kick you out of here myself." She yanked on my wrist and pulled me towards the bras.

"How about this?" I asked, showing her a bra that was black with white lace going all around it. Bonus, it was a push up bra.

"What size?"

I looked at the tag, "I don't know. What the hell does C mean?"

She giggled, "I need a 36 D alright?"

I nodded, even though I probably would screw this up. Looking through the bras, I found one that had that on the tag. "Here," I said, throwing the bra at her.

"Thanks," She mumbled.

After about thirty minutes, Kaylee had gotten the bras she wanted and we headed over to the check out. Surprisingly, nobody noticed who I was and I was extremely grateful for that.

"That will be 78 pounds." Before Kaylee could get out her wallet, I handed the woman my credit card. She swiped it and asked me to sign. After signing my name she gave me my credit card back and I placed it back inside my wallet.

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you," She said, kissing me softly on the lips.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her. After mumbling a 'yes', I grabbed her hand and the bag and walked out of the shop with her.

"I can carry that, Harry. It's not even that heavy."

"I insist."

She sighed, "I am pregnant not crippled, but whatever. I am not going to complain.."

I laughed at her and kissed her hand gently. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Yes possible."

Stopping us in the middle of the mall, I bent down and kissed her full on the lips, "Forever and always."

"Always and forever," She said with her eyes closed.


Well, there you have it folks, Harry Styles shopping with his girlfriend Kaylee Hampton! But, they weren't in any regular stores. They were in Victoria Secret shopping for bras! Did the big and manly Harry Styles turn soft? In the pictures below you see them in the store, goofing off.

{Picture 1}

{Picture 2}

{Picture 3}

{Picture 4}

{Picture 5}

In the next picture, you see them both sharing a kiss in the middle of the mall. How adorable are these two? Do you think they went to other stores besides the lingerie store? A store where they sell rings with big diamonds? We couldn't find any pictures of Harry or Kaylee inside a store like that, but leave your comments below. Do you think Harry might have stopped at a store to buy Kaylee an engagement ring?

I closed my laptop and placed it on my bedside table. Looking over Kaylee I smiled because I sure as hell stopped at a store like that. I looked over at my sock drawer where a small black box sat, waiting to be used.


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