three - past

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"Come on dude, just do it. "

"I can't, what if she says no?"

I was panicking. We have been here for a week and each day, I was falling harder and harder for Kaylee. Currently it was just us guys in the hotel. The girls went shopping and the guys were telling me to ask out Kaylee but, I'm scared. I shouldn't be so scared but with Kaylee, everything seems so much harder.

"When I asked Dar out, she didn't say no. I was scared as fuck but I grew a pair and asked her. "

After we had set up Darianna and Niall last week, they came back stronger than ever. Apparently they had an amazing time and Niall asked her to be his girlfriend. Of course she would say yes since she was head over heels for him, "Yeah but you only 'grew a pair' because we got you guys together for a date."

Niall stuck his tongue out at me and then Liam began speaking,"Just do it. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe she could say 'no'" I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice

"Just ask her out to dinner to get to know her better and then take a walk on the beach and watch the sunset go down. It's romantic because Danielle instantly fell in love with the scenery. I also said a corny pick up line and everything was perfect."

There was a twinkle in his eyes as he talked about Danielle. Liam had been so nervous that night, that he forgot to put pants on and when he opened the door for Danielle. She had bursted into laughter because he was trouser less. It was priceless.

"Alright fine. I'll do it when they get back."

Sadly, not even two minutes after the words left my mouth, the main door slammed shut.

"We're back!" Kaylee said, lugging in her bags from the doorway. We met the girls in the main room and helped them with their things.

Zayn frowned at the amount of bags Perrie had and asked, "What did you do, buy the whole mall? How many bags are here?"

She giggled before saying, "Thirty two."

His jaw dropped wide open before taking some of the bags and bringing them to their room, grumbling along the way. Good thing she's famous or she would be broke right now.

"So Kaylee, Harry has something to ask you." I looked over at Louis, giving them the stink eye before looking down at a very curious looking Kaylee.

"I was.. uh.. wondering if you um wa-wanted to go to do-dinner with me tonight."

OhMyGod. I'm such a fucking idiot. God Damn, Styles you're a disgrace.

"Yes, I would love too," She said, smiling widely before walking off to our bedroom.

Now that that is out of the way, what in the hell do I wear tonight?

Cool it, Styles, now you're really sounding like a girl


Earlier, Eleanor came into the room asking what Kaylee should wear. I had told her something in between casual and fancy. I had made a reservation to this diner that is not crappy and not five star worthy. It was nice and simple, something Kaylee would enjoy. She doesn't seem like the type of girl to like fancy clothes and fancy restaurants, which I don't blame her. The place we are going to is quite nice since I had taken my mum and sister there before.

By the time I was finished getting dressed, a knock sounded on my door I shouted,"Come in," and started fixing the collar of my black button down shirt.

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