forty three - past

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{Edited- this is very long and omg look at Harry to the side in a tuxedo. I have died and gone to heaven}


As tradition says, the bride and the groom should not see each other the night before the wedding nor the morning of. I wanted to see Kaylee Hampton one last time before she became Kaylee Styles, but Danielle wouldn't let me see her. The lads and I were all at my flat, spending my last night with me as a single man. I couldn't believe that tomorrow I would officially be a married man.

"Come on guys, let's just stop by the hotel and see the girls," I whined, wanting to see Kaylee and our babies so bad.

"Harry, you have literally asked us that fifteen times tonight, and we have only been here for an hour. You already know the answer," Liam said, chuckling at the end.

I sighed, "Want to play Xbox like we did back in the Judge's House"

Niall smiled, "Sure. Those days seem like forever ago. Can you believe how far we have come? I always say this but I never expected to win this much in life let alone meet you amazing lads."

Liam smiled, "Like I always say, I am so glad that I met you crazy brothers."

"I remember our first movie and the part of my interview where I'm just like 'Yeah, I like boy bands'. God I was so awkward."

Louis chuckled, "I remember giving a shout out to the Plain White T's and saying that I was sorry for my horrendous singing of their song. Man, even though I butchered that song, I wouldn't ever go back and change anything because what if I did and then none of this would be happening right now."

"I am glad I even went! I wasn't even going to get out of bed until my mum dragged me out of it."

Louis laughed, "All these what ifs, yet here we are still on the top of the world."

Liam gave a small smile, "From the bottom of the steps to the top of the world."

I chuckled, "You need to stop reading all these signs at the concerts."

Liam cringed, "Some of them are so dirty. I remember this one that said 'Kiss me so hard so that I can taste your accent'."

I laughed loudly, "I remember this one where it was like 'Take Me Home to stay Up All Night and make some Midnight Memories."

Louis laughed, "Where do they even come up with this stuff? Our fans are so dirty minded, I swear."

Zayn sighed, "Do you think we would be this famous even if we had won the X Factor?"

I thought about it for a minute and then said,"Honestly? Yeah, I mean the amount of support that came from England was crazy. They were blogging and tweeting our names everywhere until it spread to all over the world. I think if we won, we would be just as famous. I give everything to those people because without them, I'd still be working in the bakery and would have never met you guys or Kaylee or anybody. It's crazy how much one thing can do for you."

"You're so right, Harold. Now this conversation is getting pretty depressing and deep. Let's save this girly shit for another day and celebrate Harold's last night of being single!"

Liam laughed, shaking his head, "Alright Sass master from Doncaster, what shall we do?"

"I don't know Daddy Direction, what do you think Bradford Bad Boi?"

Niall laughed loudly, his laugh bouncing off the walls, "Are we seriously doing this right now? What are we? 2010 One Direction again?"

I stifled a laugh, "Boo Bear, please tell Nialler that 2010 One Direction never left."

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