twenty - present

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{Edited- also back to the present}


"How could someone be that mean?' Darcy asked me. She had been crying when we got to the part about her mother being stabbed. It was hard on all of us but mostly Niall. I haven't seen him get upset like this in a long time. I think it was hard for Darcy because this is her first time hearing about this and the cruel world we grew up in and sang for. .

"I know, Darcy. It's terrible what our fans did. Don't get me wrong, we love them, but they were possessive and controlling. They were so obsessed with us that they couldn't bear to see us with a girl. They kept saying that they wanted us to be happy but sending hate to our girlfriends and friends for being jealous, didn't make us very happy. Not all of our fans were like that though, most kept to themselves but then there were crazy ones like the people that stabbed your mother." I said, my heart aching at the memory of that day.

"Did you ever catch the people that did those things to Mum?"

"Of course we did. I love your mom so much that I would do anything to protect her. Right now shows I didn't do such a great job in that but I never gave up. I swore that I would find those people, press charges and have them behind bars forever. So I went back a few nights later to the crime scene trying to find something that the police couldn't find. While I was searching, I found drips of blood. The police thought nothing of it but other than your mum just bleeding but I followed the trail down the alley way. Once I got to the end, I saw a knife covered in her blood. I called my detective and we got the DNA samples from the fingerprints left on the knife handle and found the girls and boys responsible for the disaster they caused." Niall wiped at the ends of his eyes, knowing the next part I was about to say would be devastating because it was betrayal.

"We found out it was people her and Niall went to school with. Apparently they were always jealous of her because she was friends with Niall and that she started dating me. Out of jealously, they tried to kill her but failed."

"And who were they?" Darcy asked.

"They were a really close friends of Niall and Greg's. They were best friends since they first started school. I think what hurt Greg the most out of all of this was that he was dating the one girl at that time and to think she would try to hurt someone close to him, killed him inside."

Niall spoke up, looking directly at Darcy, "They were put to jail for life for attempted murder. Greg never noticed how crazy and obsessed she was with the idea of killing Kaylee and in hopes getting with me. He thought she just wanted to come over everyday to be with him but instead she was stalking Kaylee so that her and her friends could stab her and kill her."

Trying to end this conversation because it was starting to hurt my heart I said, "They also went to jail for life for sending death threats. They sent the rope and the bleach to Niall's house all those years ago."

Sensing my discomfort, Darcy stopped asked questions about this whole incident. It was still a very touchy subject, even ten years later. It was quiet for a moment before Darcy asked a very random question but certainly had a huge meaning to it.

"So why did mum name me Darcy?"

Louis laughed, probably remembering that day like it was just yesterday. But instead of answering it, Zayn did instead, "You're getting a little ahead of the story Darce. You skipped ahead a year or two."

"What your uncle is trying to say is that in the next few minutes, we will be taking this story to a couple months later."

Perrie smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. This was probably one of the saddest things so far to explain to my daughter. "What your uncles and father are trying to say is that they got a phone call one day. It was probably reaching your mum and dad's eight month anniversary. They had already been through so much but yet they stuck together. They get a phone call from management asking for Kaylee to do a personal interview with a famous talk show host named Katie."

Finishing up Perries small summary, Danielle started speaking, "What your aunt is trying to say is that we thought Kaylee was doing better. We had her in therapy, made her stay away from magazines and tried to limit her time on social media, but we learned that she wasn't getting better; that instead she was getting worse."

Louis just smiled sadly. This interview was the hardest thing to ever watch or hear. "Instead of making your curiousness spike even higher, let me begin. It was a snowy day so we were all inside playing games..."


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