thirty - past

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I woke up the next morning to someone banging on the door. I moved my arm, wiping at my eyes softly. I looked down to see the bottom half of my body covered by the blankets. My feet were hanging off the edge of the bed which means we really need a bigger bed back here. Kaylee's legs were intertwined with mine and some of her body was covered by the blankets too. Her head lay on my chest and her arms were wrapped around my torso. Looking down, I smiled, because I wish I could wake up to this everyday.

"Harold Edward Styles, wake the fuck up."

Louis' voice dragged me out of my thoughts. He was banging on the door repeatedly and shouting my name. "I will go and find Paul and get him to unlock this door! We are supposed to be at the stadium in an hour. Let's fucking go! Harry! What is stopping you? Did you and Kaylee have sex last night or something?" He chuckled a little at the ending, probably saying it as a joke.

"Alright, alright. Give me a second will ya? I'm getting dressed," I shouted through the door.

"Why did you sleep in this room anyway?"

I quickly got up and put my clothes on from last night. Kaylee didn't even stir. I covered her with the other blankets and left the room, shutting the door quickly behind me. Louis was about to say something but when he looked at my hair, he shut up. My hair was probably everywhere from when Kaylee was pulling at it last night. I'm pretty sure there was a hickey on my collarbone and I am 100% sure that there are scratches on my back from Kaylee last night. She's wild in bed.

"You know, I was just kidding about the whole 'having sex with Kaylee' thing. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I know that."

Louis smirked, "So are you two back together now?"

I frowned, "No. She has Oliver remember?"

This time, Louis was the one that frowned, "Well maybe after last night, she'll realize how much in love she is with you still."

I only shrugged my shoulders. Who knew what was running through that girl's mind.

Louis shooed me away and towards the bathroom. "Well, get showered because sound check is in forty five minutes."

I saluted Louis, "Yes, dad."


After sound check was over at the stadium, we had another two hours until the concert even started. We could do plenty of things in that much time. For instance, I could go to sleep on the couch in the dressing room like Zayn. Or go exploring around the stadium like Liam. Eating food like Niall or just bothering the staff like Louis. I didn't know what I wanted to do today,so I just walked around like Liam usually does. After about a half hour of walking, I ended up behind the stage. As I neared behind the stage, I heard voices talking/shouting at each other. When rounding the corner, I saw Oliver and Kaylee, so I listened in.

"Oliver, I don't think this going to work out." He looked mad.

"What the hell do you mean? We are going to work out. I give you everything! I treat you like a princess and you're going to break up with me? It's because of him isn't it?" She didn't say anything so he continued on, "I thought you said you didn't love him anymore and that you loved me. You are not breaking up with me, Kaylee. This isn't how it works."

Growing frustrated, she started to shout at him, "This isn't how it works?! Excuse you Oliver, but you don't control me nor my life. Yes, I said I wasn't in love Harry anymore but maybe I lied to you. Yes, I am breaking up with you for him because you're a control freak. I can't handle that. I thought I was in love with you but maybe I was in love with only the image of you. Fuck off, Oliver."

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