- Anniversary -

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Please note that all the art I'm using as a media isn't mine unless I edited it or say so.

All arts are credited to the rightful artists.



Aaaand, this isn't any late "SoraMafu anniversary" thing :) I just couldn't think of any title of the theme of the one-shot! (i suck at titles www)

I HOPE THIS WILL CURE EVERYONE FROM THAT ANGST :^)) forgive me for such crappy smuts

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"I can't believe this, Luz-kun," Mafu muttered across the table. "Do I really have to?"

"Well... yeah... I mean... it's for Soraru-san, right?"

"B-but isn't it like seducing... him?"

"W-what?!" Luz flinched. "N-no!"

Haa~ he can't find out about my original intention, Luz thought as he held back his laugh.

"Eh? B-but... what if he laughs at me?"

Luz sighed as he replied, "clearly, Kuroneko-san told you that you look good, right? And I have to agree, it suits you."

"Ah... okay then... thank you, Luz-kun, for your time!" Mafu said as he stood and walked out of the cafe.

Mafu headed to their apartment and placed the key on the desk.

Luckily, Soraru wasn't in the living room. It was still early before Soraru could wake up. It was 6:30AM.

Usually, Soraru wakes up 10 minutes after. But since Mafu was really excited to greet Soraru, he headed to the bathroom and got changed.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

I really do look like a girl...

It was a red dress.

But I have a bad feeling about this...

What made it worse, was that, he was wearing a laced lingerie underneath.

I don't like this...

Mafu opened the door and peeked if Soraru was awake.


Mafu headed out and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Meanwhile, Soraru woke up and smelled the delicious food. He took his phone and looked at the screen.

Ahh, so bright, Soraru thought as he stood and walked out of the room.

He was looking down as he walked to the kitchen. "Mafu, what are you-"

Soraru looked up and noticed something.

Is that a girl?

"Who are you?" Soraru asked.

Mafu turned and smiled. "Good morning, Soraru-san," Mafu said as he smiled innocently.

A smirk formed in Soraru's face. He let out a chuckle as he walked close to Mafu and hugged him from behind.

"S-Soraru-san?" Mafu stuttered as he turned off the faucet.

Soraru snuggled behind Mafu before letting go and checking out the outfit.

"I noticed... you're wearing perfume... and... what's with the knee-high socks?"

"Ah... umm..." Mafu muttered as he blushed and played with his fingers.

SoraMafu one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now