- I Will... Someday (2) -

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Mafu stared at Soraru for a while as tears kept running down his cheeks. "D-doctor... he has..."

"Apparently... I'm sorry, sir..." the doctor mumbled as he placed a hand on Mafu's shoulder. "But... we'll try to do something so he can remember something at least... or... we'll try and do something that will make him remember everything after a couple of months or a year..."

"P-please..." Mafu mumbled as he looked down. "Please..."

Mafu looked up at Soraru and saw him looking at him blankly.

"You're... Soraru-san..."


"Yes... and I'm Mafumafu..." Mafu muttered with a weak smile.

"Mafumafu-san... where am I?"

"You're in the hospital... a-and... you can call me... Mafu."


Mafu nodded weakly and took Soraru's hand as he caressed it. "You'll be under my care... for now... okay?"

"Yes... and... Mafu...?"


"Why are you crying?"

Mafu stopped caressing Soraru's hand and looked at the raven-haired male for a while. He wiped away his tears and smiled. "It's nothing..."

Ever since that day, Mafu's been taking care of Soraru and they've been going to school, like before. Unlike the Soraru before, he became a straightforward person who had a calm aura and attitude. He was very aware of his surroundings but he's the quiet type of person now.

Outside, he doesn't show how much he cares about other people, especially Mafu, but inside, he truly cares for everyone, especially Mafu.

Soraru is currently living in Mafu's house, for a while. But even if Soraru went to his own house to check it out, he still preferred Mafu's house.

They both sleep in the same room but Soraru slept in the bed while Mafu slept in the futon because his own bed. Even if Mafu thinks it'd be nice to sleep beside Soraru, he doesn't know if the raven-haired male felt the same for him.

But for sure, it's better to accept the truth than fake something and not accepting that you're not lying to yourself.

Soraru would sometimes suggest Mafu to sleep beside him, but he would reject Soraru and say, "I'm fine here."

Whenever Soraru suggested that, Mafu would always feel his heart tighten. He knew that if he slept exactly beside Soraru, he'd start to assume that the older male have romantic feelings for him. But he refused to lie to himself.

Mafu actually missed the Soraru who'd insist the albino with different things, like, sleeping beside him at some nights. Or where Soraru insists that he feeds Mafu. And in the end, they'd either laugh it off or avert gazes because of embarrassment.

He missed those moments.

He definitely missed the Soraru he once knew.

But even if the past can't come back, Mafu is still satisfied to have Soraru by his side, even if this Soraru wasn't the same.

The routine Soraru and Mafu both had went on for a few years- probably around three years...?

But as they spent their time together, Mafu hadn't realized one thing; slowly, Soraru is starting to remember.

Soraru didn't say anything to the albino, but he did talk to a friend of his (and an upperclassman), Last Note.

Every time he slept at night, he would dream about Mafu being bullied; being hurt. Or he would dream about himself being happy around Mafu; always patting him, hugging him, just as if they were once a couple.

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