- Only One Year [2] -

549 16 1

I've been staring at Amatsuki-kun for almost five minutes yet the red tint in his face hasn't worn off.

When Kashitarou-san came to bus the plates, Amatsuki-kun grabbed his wrist and fled off. After a while, they came back then Amatsuki-kun took my wrist and pulled me out of the cafe.

"Mafu-kun, you go home," he said.

"And you?"

"I have something to discuss with Kashitarou-san."



I looked at him for a moment, hoping he'd escort me home, but he didn't say anything. "Fine," I said. "But you've got so much to explain to me tomorrow."

Amatsuki-kun looked away for a moment. "...Alright."

I bid Amatsuki-kun goodbye before walking away.

My house actually was quite far, and I never liked commuting alone. Also, Amatsuki-kun lives near my place so I was always with him. I've never commuted alone, so going home alone at dusk is kind of frightening.

Luckily yet unfortunately, it's rush hour.

I quickly walked down the sidewalk to catch the train. There were so many people that it was actually hard to walk quickly or even run.

By the time I got to the train station, the train was leaving. Waiting was inevitable, in my case.

I left the train station and walked all the way home. I don't like physical activities, so walking from the train station to my house was kind of hard. I didn't want to take breaks because soon enough, it'll get dark, and I don't want that. Ugh, Amatsuki-kun, why did you stay? You knew I never went home alone and that I'm afraid of the dark, especially if I'm alone, I ranted in my head.

Little did I know, I got to a bridge which was a landmark near my house.

After crossing the bridge, one of the streetlights flickered. Whenever I saw those scenes in movies, they scared me.

I gulped, then quickly walked past the post. The other streetlights ahead were flickering too. Seeing and experiencing those in real life is scarier.

I decided to sit on the bench nearby and rest. I walked so far and it was tiring. At the same time, I was too scared to continue walking. I curled up into a ball and covered my ears.

Thinking that Amatsuki-kun isn't by my side was scary. I've never walked from school to my place alone.

"Amatsuki-kun..." I muttered. "You're so mean..."

Then again, I sat on the bench alone. Yep, I was alone. There's nobody around me. I'm alone.

My mind panicked as the cold wind wrapped around me. I shivered, wishing that I told Amatsuki-kun to send me home first.

I shut my eyes closed, then various scenes of horror movies went into my head. I got scared to the point tears already went out of my eyes.

I sniffed, then I heard someone cough. "Mafumafu."

I immediately looked up and for a moment, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. "So-Soraru-san?" I stammered.

"Who else?"

"Wh-Why're you here?" I asked as I lowered my legs to the ground and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Amatsuki?" he asked.

I smiled sheepishly. "I, uh, got kicked out... I think?"

"What the hell is that? Then why're you here? There's a train, stupid."

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