- Save Me -

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In this one-shot, Soraru and Mafu are both in high school. Soraru being older by a year.

I also added a harsh/cruel mother (Mafu's). (this one-shot is more focused on the precious angel!!)

Btw~ I decided to get the mother's name from Super Lovers bc... HARUKO IS LIKE AN ASS TO HARU OK

* please read the A/N in the bottom, thank you *

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"Oi," a tall woman called across the corridor. "What the hell are you doing?"

The albino, Mafu, looked back at the door and saw the tall woman in front. "D-doing my homework, okaa-san."

"Hey!" the tall woman, Mafu's mother, Haruko, walked towards the young boy and pulled his hair. "Who are you to call me, 'okaa-san', huh?!"

"I-it hurts!" Mafu tried to shout but Haruko's grip on the albino's hair got stronger.

"You're such a pathetic boy!" Haruko shouted as she let go and threw Mafu across the room by pushing him away. "A weak one!"

Mafu stayed still and didn't move as he forced himself not to cry.

It was silent for a while before Haruko clicked her tongue and walked out of the room.

It was late at night and Mafu covered himself in the bed and cried. Ever since he was young, he's been treated abusively by Haruko.

The next day, Mafu woke up and saw Haruko standing in front of the door.

"How long do you plan to sleep?!"

Mafu squinted at the clock and saw it 5:30AM.

"B-but it's-"

"Ah, so you're answering back?!"

Haruko entered the room and pulled Mafu's hair, again, and dragged him outside the room.

She pushed Mafu to the kitchen and demanded, "cook, you idiot!"

Mafu nodded several times before he started to gather ingredients while tears slowly ran down his face.

As soon as he finished making breakfast for Haruko, Mafu headed to the bathroom and tidied himself for school.

Mafu wore his uniform, fixed his things, cleaned his room, combed his hair, and basically everything he needed to do, he headed to the front door and mumbled, "I'm going now."

Haruko didn't respond and just glared at the young boy before he left.

Mafu ran towards school and as usual, looked for a certain close friend.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find him. Everyday, Mafu would look for him and tell what happened in his house and what Haruko does to him.

Mafu decided to let him be and just headed off to the classroom. As he entered, Mafu found the person he was looking for.

"Good morning," his friend greeted with a soft smile.

As usual, Mafu would tear up and run to him. "S-Soraru-san...!" Mafu called as he ran to him.

The raven-haired male, Soraru, opened his arms, as always, and hugged the albino. "She hurt you again, huh?"

Mafu nodded and cried. "Sh-she was... stronger..."

Soraru gritted his teeth as he hugged Mafu a bit tighter than usual. "That's it!"

"H-huh?" Mafu omitted as he looked up at Soraru.

SoraMafu one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now