- Your Name -

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DISCLAIMER: please watch the movie (Your Name.) before reading if you don't want to be spoiled! But I'm not stopping you from reading this~

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"Have we met before?"


It happened eight years ago, when the comet separated and crashed in the Itomori prefecture. All the districts were gone, so were some lives.

Luckily, almost three-fourths of the people in the district were out of the blast zone, considering them as survivors.

But three years before the comet was seen in the sky, an albino was somehow calling someone named 'Soraru'. He was sure how this 'Soraru' looked. But Soraru didn't know who the albino was.


The albino kept calling his name, until he found him. But when the albino found him and called his name, the response that was given to him sort of tore him.

"Who... are you?"

But then three years later, the year when the comet was seen in the sky (and when it separated and crashed), Soraru met up with the albino named Mafu.

"After three years, we met," Soraru said with a warm smile. "But I didn't know you back then, why did you still approach me?"

Mafu was looking down at his feet, not knowing what to say.

Well, he did want to say something. But he didn't, for the sake of the friendship they had. Mafu didn't want to destroy the relationship they have just by three words.

"But I'm glad that I met you again," Soraru said as he looked up at the sky and saw the comet. "Oh, look."

Mafu paused and looked up for a moment. It was the comet. "That's... that's gonna crash, Soraru-san," Mafu hesitated to say.


"I-it's going to crash...!"

"What are you saying?"

"Th-that comet will separate... and crash..."

Soraru chuckled. "What? Mafu, don't joke. I don't think comets can separate, haha."


"Oh come on, Mafu," Soraru said as he playfully pulled Mafu for a hug. "I'm sure you know it."

"O-okay..." Mafu muttered before looking up at the sky. "B-but... let's... write each other's name in our hands so we won't forget when we wake up."

"Where'd you get that idea?" Soraru said, letting go of Mafu.

"I told you... it will separate..."

Soraru sighed. "Fine... but if it never happened, I'll pinch you."


"Yeah... your face."

Mafu's face reddened. "F-fine..."

Soraru took out a marker from his pocket and took Mafu's hand. He started writing something as he said, "but whatever happens, whether what you said is true or not, don't forget me, okay?"

"Y-you're not leaving me, are you?" Mafu asked, looking straightly at Soraru's eyes.

"Of course not," Soraru said with a soft smile. "Like I said, depending whether with what you said is true or not."


After Soraru wrote in Mafu's hand, Soraru closed his hand and handed the marker. "Here."

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