- Only One Year [1] -

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I looked down, sighing. It's my first year in high school, while it's Soraru-san's last year. Yes, he's a third year; my senpai.

I kind of consider ourselves as childhood friends, although he keeps this distinct distance between us, which is quite sad.

"Mafu-kun~ don't be like that," my best friend, Amatsuki-kun, told me as he rubbed my back. "It's your first day! Be happy!"

"My first day... his last year..." I frowned.

Soraru-san doesn't really talk to me. It's always me who ran after him. My life used to only revolve around music and art. I play the guitar, tambourine, and piano. I've played for Amatsuki a few times, but I've never played for Soraru-san, even though he lives opposite me.

He's a smart and outstanding senpai. He's not athletic, though. He can jog, but I don't think he can run. I tried to chase him back when we were little but I kind of failed. He panicked and told me that he can't run. As for me, I kind of had a weak heart and low stamina, so I can't really do any physical activities.

Our parents are really close, especially my mom and his mom, so it's also kind of normal whenever I look for Soraru-san or when I sneak off to go to his place.

However, when he reached middle school, he started being cold towards me. Well, it's not like he had a soft heart, haha. I've always openly shown my affection towards Soraru-san, and he'd get embarrassed. He would tell me to knock it off or he'd kick me. Whenever I told him "Soraru-san~ I like you!" he'd glare at me and tell me that he hates me. But that was back when he was in middle school.

When I started middle school, we drifted apart to the point where we stopped talking. We were able to see each other but we never had an actual conversation.

Now that Soraru-san is in his third year, this is my last chance to get close to him and actually show my affection. By the time I reach second year, Soraru-san probably moved out of his house because of university. And I don't want that. I definitely don't want Soraru-san to leave.

"We're both in Class B, Mafu-kun," Amatsuki-kun said as he shoved a piece of bread into my mouth.

"...That's nice," I said as I chewed on the bread. "What time is it?"

"It's thirty minutes past eight," he said, glancing at his watch.

"Is it break already?"


"Then why are you eating?" I looked at Amatsuki. Sometimes, I couldn't tell whether it was break or not because he often fed me food randomly and because he's always eating.

"I'm hungry," he said. "Next class is history so... feast your eyes."

"Ugh, stop making me think it's break. I want to go home already."

Amatsuki-kun smiled at me for a while until the history teacher came in.

Well, time for hell.

* * * *

Class finally ended in an almost blink of an eye. Self-introductions suck. They suck so much. One thing I hate about transferring schools and well, first-days would be the whole "introduce yourself" for either the entire day or for the entire week.

"Mafu-kun," Amatsuki-kun called.


"Wanna head to the cafe? My friend just LINE-ed me that they have a new dessert which is discounted for only today."

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