hello, it's been 2 years

485 9 11

march 17, 2020

hello, it's me, ash :)

it has been two years since i wrote and published something, although it has been a year since i came to wattpad to post an announcement. i've been on hiatus both here in wattpad and in twitter (in the utaite fandom), although it has been a couple of months since i went back to twitter and became slightly active in the fandom again.

as you all know, the covid-19 pandemic has definitely affected a lot of people. since i live in one of the biggest cities in my country, classes were canceled until next month. although i still have some requirements to submit online, i don't have much to do either because a community quarantine was implemented -- we're not allowed to leave our houses unless it's necessary, and we need IDs when leaving as well (ugh i hate the gov't). it has been long since i reconsidered going back to wattpad but i wasn't able to open the website because i ended up forgetting about it. please wash your hands thoroughly once you've touched something others have touched, and if you're going to touch your face, sanitize your hands.

anyways, that's not why i decided to upload this.

i came here to announce that this one-shots book will end. i won't be posting any one-shots. although i won't stop writing, but i might as well create a new one-shots book. i haven't written any prose in so long, so i think my writing will be quite rusty.

in regards to my other soramafu fic, i'll be ending that as well. i don't think i can continue the "major editing" when i actually lost motivation to re-edit that. initially, i only wanted to re-edit that because i disliked my writing. well, now, i don't really like it, tbh.

it's been so long, and i really miss interacting with everyone and i miss writing as well. and i miss reading the fics of my favorite soramafu authors here too :")

although i haven't written any fanfics yet, i hope you guys would look forward to my next work :)

till next time,


i can be contacted here:

- twitter: mafukyun

- curiouscat: kahnojos

- instagram: via dm :)

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