- It was Nothing -

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warning; please do not read anything written by me (ash/sacchii) or you might get yourself in trouble of in an accident like falling down the stairs (KIRYU) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my works are dangerous omg wwwwww (creds to kiryu for telling me to remind the readers or else y'all might end up like her wwwww)


Finally, after four years away from his country, he's returning.

The airplane landed safely as he went out with his handcarry and took his luggage inside the airport.

"I'm home," he texted to a friend. A lovely friend of his.

He took his things and took a taxi to go to his family's house. He arrived and greeted them and gave his gifts for them.

"I'll be going," he said as he wore a pair of boots.

"Where to?" his brother asked.

"Just going to a restaurant," he replied. "Bye!"

He took out his phone and saw no response from that friend. He shrugged as a flood of messages filled his phone. He smiled as he placed his phone in his pocket.

He went to one restaurant and sat down. He looked at the menu and ordered something he hasn't ordered in a long time.

He looked up at the waiter and noticed it was his friend.

The waiter placed his pad paper away when he realized it was his friend who was sitting.

"You're back!"

"I am."

"Since when?"

"Just earlier."

"Have you seen him yet?"

"No," he replied as he frowned. "How is he?"

"Oh..." the friend frowned. "You won't believe it."

"Why so?"

"He got a girlfriend."

This broke his heart.

"I see that your hair got a tiny bit darker and you got taller. I'm proud."

His friend looked at him who was staring outside.

"And... umm... sorry to spoil... but he moved."

He looked up at his friend and said, "it's okay."

Definitely not.

"You know, you got prettier as well, Mafu-kun."

"Finally, you said my name."

"I missed you, Mafu-kun. Everyone did."

"Yeah, I know. Luz texted me a lot, y'know."

"I heard," the albino's friend said. "How was your studies?"

"It was great!"

"Well, I gotta tell them your order. Let's meet up later in the park, 'kay?"


The albino, Mafu, looked around and observed each table and the people walking outside.

As he looked outside, he saw someone utterly familiar.

He watched him.

Before Mafu realized, he looked back. The two were in shock and looked away.

Mafu glanced at the window and saw him gone.

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