- I Will... Someday (3) -

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"Well, I... I think..."

There was a long silence that settled between them before they heard the cafe door swing open, revealing an albino with a brunette, who's cleaning his glasses.

Soraru just watched them walk and talk until the albino finally noticed the raven-haired male and the other male.

"Soraru-san...? Soraru-san!" Mafu called as he waved. "Eh, Last Note-san?"

"Yep, it's me!" Last Note said as he waved. "What are you two doing here?"

"Amatsuki-kun said he didn't have anything to do, so I accompanied him to the cafe," Mafu replied as he smiled at the said brunette, Amatsuki, before continuing, "but who knew you two were here!"

Mafu seemed enthusiastic today. Was there something that Amatsuki said or did that made Mafu jolly?

"What are you two talking about~?" Mafu asked with a playful grin.

"N-nothing...!" Soraru immediately replied, looking back at he and Last Note's table.


"It's best not to disturb them, Mafu-kun," Amatsuki said as he wore his glasses. "You really seem happy today."

"Yeah! Because I'm with Amatsuki-kun after so long!" Mafu exclaimed.

"I still have to meet up with Kashitarou-san later, okay? So, I can't spend my entire time with you today," Amatsuki said as he called the waiter and asked for the menus. "Go choose what you want."

"You'll be treating me?!"


"Wahhh! Thank you, Amatsuki-kun!" Mafu exclaimed as he jumped and hugged Amatsuki.

"H-hey! G-get off me..." Amatsuki muttered as he looked away, blush forming in his face. "Someone wouldn't like it if they saw us like this."


"Th-that's a secret."


In the other hand, Soraru could hear them. So did Last Note. The silence between them still settled. Soraru hasn't said anything just as soon as he stood, rattling the table. "I should go," Soraru said.

"Hey, Soraru-"

"Last Note-san," Soraru said. "We'll meet again. And for sure, I'll have the final answer you'll be looking for."


With that, Soraru just left, leaving Last Note with a confused look.

Mafu also saw Soraru left. He saw his expression; he was frowning.

Mafu tried to think what happened between them as he looked outside the glass door. Suddenly, he saw people with a worried face, running towards to where Soraru went.

The flashback of Soraru being in the hospital was suddenly remembered by Mafu. He immediately stood from the table and said as fast as he can, "I'll be back, just wait."

He ran outside and finally saw Soraru. He was lying on the ground. Luckily, he was in the sidewalk. He didn't seem to have any blood around him, so he should be a bit fine.

Mafu ran towards Soraru and immediately kneeled down and picked up Soraru's head. "S-Soraru-san? A-are you okay? D-don't leave me... please..." Mafu mumbled as he pulled Soraru closer to him, allowing the tears to fall on Soraru.

Immediately, an ambulance came and took Soraru to a stretcher and behind the vehicle. Mafu followed inside, holding Soraru's hand. "Soraru-san, please wake up. Soraru-san... Soraru-san..."

They arrived in the hospital and brought Soraru to the doctor. They took a check-up before calling Mafu.

"Y-yes, doctor?"

"He's just unconscious," the doctor said. "He seems to have a high fever and must've forced himself in different things, that's why he fainted earlier. But nothing's wrong with him."

"Th-thank goodness!"

"The ambulance will just bring him to your house, so you can take care of him," the doctor said.

Mafu immediately nodded as some nurses pushed the bed of Soraru towards the exit of the emergency room and into the ambulance. Mafu hopped inside the ambulance, watching over Soraru.

As soon as they arrived at Mafu's house, along with his directions, they carried Soraru inside and onto the bed of Mafu.

"Please take good care of him," the nurses said in unison before leaving.

Mafu closed the door and rushed inside his room, quickly gripping on Soraru's hand. "Thank goodness... you're alive," Mafu muttered. "You shouldn't go out and meet people when you're sick, you know."

Mafu leaned in to kiss Soraru's hand.

"Soraru-san," Mafu called out. "I'm still in love with you... but... I'm not sure if it's the present you or the past you."

Mafu leaned towards the Soraru's hand and closed his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.

A few seconds after Mafu fell asleep, Soraru slightly opened his eyes, checking if the younger male had fallen asleep.

"Idiot..." Soraru mumbled as tears formed in his eyes. "If only you knew that I'm starting to remember the past... then you wouldn't have to say such obvious things when I'm asleep."

~ to be continued ~

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But I'll be updating some series sooooo yeeee :))

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