- Wake Up, Sleepyhead -

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It was another bright morning for Soraru to wake up to. As he opened his eyes, the sun shone brightly on his face.

"Ugh..." Soraru groaned. What a way to start the morning, he thought as he grabbed his phone on his table, beside his bed.

7:56AM. Ah, too early...

Soraru placed his phone back on his table and curled himself up with his blanket. Too sleepy...

By the time he was about to drift to sleep, he heard a loud thud on his door.

"Soraru-san! It's me, the guardian angel of the tsundere living in here, Mafumafu!"

Soraru groggily sat up and decided to call Mafu through phone.

Fortunately, Mafu answered.

"Oh! So, you're awake!" Mafu answered. "Open your door, Soraru-san~!"

"Don't you have my spare keys? Just use it, you noisy idiot," Soraru said as he ended the call.

Soraru went back to curling himself up but then Mafu had already barged inside his room.

Mafu jumped on Soraru's bed and shook the raven-haired male's body.

"What?!" Soraru, practically, shouted. "Can't you see I'm sleeping?!"

"Your eyebags are so bad," Mafu said, ignoring Soraru's words. He rubbed his thumb against Soraru's eyes as he asked, "did you sleep last night?"

"No," Soraru replied, removing Mafu's hand off his face. "Why do you think I'm still in bed?"

"Because you like sleeping," Mafu chuckled. "So... why didn't you sleep?"

"I was busy..."

"With what? Games?"

"No," Soraru replied sternly as he rolled his eyes. He turned around so he wouldn't look at Mafu and added, "Work, of course."

"Say that to my face, Soraru-san," Mafu said, trying to move Soraru. "Or else I won't believe you."

"... No," Soraru said, not moving.

"Ehh? Come on, Soraru-san! Let's go out!" Mafu insisted, then later, he mumbled quietly, "why won't you look at me and tell me that you stayed up for work?"

That's because... work wasn't really the reason I stayed up, Soraru thought with a frown. It was you. I wanted you to do these things; trying to bring me out for my birthday, scolding me... I just want your full attention, Mafu. I want you to pamper me... even just for a while.

"Soraru-san~!" Mafu called endlessly. "If you don't want to go out, then fine."

"I'm tired... I'm sorry," Soraru said as he turned to face Mafu and gave him an apologetic smile.

"Soraru-san," Mafu said as he rose to his tummy and cupped Soraru's face. "What do you want to do today? Where do you want to go?"

"Ughh..." Soraru groaned. "Do nothing."

Mafu merely screeched. "What...?! Soraru-san, you lazy hag!"

"Hey! I'm not a hag!" Soraru exclaimed as he sat upright.

"You're so lazy... what can we even do about it?" Mafu asked thoughtfully. "Nothing, I guess."

Soraru lie back down and hugged Mafu. "Can you be my pillow for the day?" Soraru asked.

"Me?" Mafu chuckled. "You're like a child right now, Soraru-san."

Soraru's face reddened. "Mafu... just once..."

SoraMafu one-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang