- Our Mornings -

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We both live together in a big apartment complex.

We share the payment of the rent. One pays everything, and the other does the household chores. Like all household chores.

Everyday, every morning, I always wake up early. The moment my eyes open, I'd usually see the white, clean curtains. I'd see the cleanliness of our bedroom. The bed is always so comfy which always makes me have this airy or light feeling. The blanket, correction: comforter, always warmed up my body because of the chilly/freezing air conditioner. And the nice smell of lavender in the air was always so nice.

But those things weren't what really fulfilled my morning. It was the man sleeping behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist (sometimes, he'd snuggle against the nape of my neck).

My lover, Soraru-san.

We've been together for years. And it was I who proposed to live in a big, fully-furnished apartment complex. I was really, really glad when Soraru-san immediately accepted the offer. Ever since we lived in this apartment, our routines have changed, and we've been acting as a married couple. Not like I'm complaining because it makes me super happy.

I've always loved Soraru-san even before we became officially together. When the moment Soraru-san finally figured out his feelings for me, that's when he asked me out, which I've waited since forever.

Every morning, I don't only wake up facing the curtains. There are times where I wake up against Soraru-san's chest. I'd wake up, snuggling close to Soraru-san. Like really close. And never have I ever left the bed without giving Soraru-san a kiss in the forehead, cheek, nose, and lips. Soraru-san has always considered it good morning kisses whenever he was awake, but I've always considered it as an extra way of showing my affection towards this raven-haired man here.

Every morning felt so dreamy. I couldn't even imagine it. It's so hard to. I'm so glad I got to have Soraru-san to myself. Soraru-san's a really nice guy, and I love him for being... him. Even though he can get all cranky, I still love Soraru-san~ <3


Mornings weren't my thing. I don't like waking up early, then start thinking about things, especially work. I just... dislike waking up in the morning. Not until this guy came to my life and arranged a plan to live in a fancy apartment building with him.

Ever since we've moved together, I started enjoying my mornings better. I would wake up with this satisfied feeling. This... unexplainable happiness.

Every morning, I'd wake up to the sight of the sun shining through the white curtains that are slightly opened and to smell of delicious breakfast and an empty bed, plenty of room for myself. Sometimes, I'd wake up first than this guy. Either seeing him face the curtains or him facing me, looking as fragile as a baby. It was always so nice to see him lay beside me while he's asleep.

He's the main reason why my morning goes absolutely well.

His name is Mafumafu.

Mafu for short.

And he's my lover.

He's a smart airhead. He's humble, patient, and absolutely sweet. He's honestly the cutest human being I've ever seen. I've never said it to Mafu that he's the cutest person I've seen. Well, not "never", but... I rarely tell Mafu that.

But there are times where you can't understand what he's thinking at all. He'd stare down at his mug or just stare into space, either with a serious-scary face on or a dazed face on. There are times also wherein his mind would fly elsewhere and throughout the day, he's not up for anything. He'd be reading a book or just sleep all day without talking. It was scary.

But mostly, the reason was because he wanted to be pampered and because he was jealous whenever some girl approaches me and I treat them almost the same way as I treat Mafu.

He's not a really straightforward person, so he'd explain everything in the most complicated way possible. Even if I end up not understanding what he meant by his deep explanation, he would help himself and just try to get both ourselves in the mood.

No matter how many times I wasn't able to read Mafu well due to his mixed emotions, I still love him. I love him a lot. Probably even more than he loves me.

This guy, Mafu, seems to be the happy-go-lucky type of guy, but no, he isn't. He has a dark side that he has only shown to his friends, and mostly to me. He suffers from depression, a lot. He has gone through hard times, and he was absolutely scared. He would cry at night, scream at night, and call me afterwards. He would just croak out my name, and that's the moment I'd know that something's definitely wrong. He's scared of being alone. He's scared of being left behind.

And I've always felt as if my life's deteriorating because I wasn't able to help him during these times. Whenever I told Mafu that he should've told me sooner so that I was able to do something, Mafu would just smile at me and tell me to let go of the past. I sometimes doubt that he suffers until now, but how can I doubt that he does when he's sleeping just beside me?

"It's not your fault, Soraru-san," he told me before. "You were there, who lent out his hand, when I needed someone the most. And that's what all matters."

I couldn't even ask for more.

If only I were to bring him along with me abroad, then marry him, making him all mine... then my life is an absolute bliss.


I wanted to publish something, so here's a short one-shot. Ah I've written this in less than 20 minutes, I'm proud nyooms
(*''*) (is this counted as fluff?)

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