Saved By You

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"You can finally wake up," they told me. I woke up to the sight of nurses, doctors, my older brother, and my parents around me. They were all so happy to see me awake. Last thing I could remember was me drifting back to sleep. I looked around me, and saw an IV bag connected to my hand.

I was a child when they told me I had Dilated Cardiomyopathy. My mom noticed that I was always fatigued. I was called lazy by my dad, but my mom thought  otherwise. I often told her that I was just exerting myself so much on my studies. A week after, I started to have shortness of breath (known as Dyspnea). My dad was the first one to notice, then I was called lazy once again. He told me that the thought of having Dyspnea was just psychological—he thought it was all in my head that I was "hungry" for air—but it deemed not. I suggested to see a doctor, but they said not to. Until I started to experience chest pains, they brought me to see a cardiologist. When I was told that I have Dilated Cardiomyopathy, I couldn't believe it. Who would believe it anyways? I desperately asked my parents to go to other hospitals and visit different doctors. For almost a week, I had many tests done, yet they all lead to the same result. I was in total shock. At first, I thought I couldn't go to school, which saddened me the most, but luckily, my brother came up to me and told me that I could go.

I was at middle school when I met a guy who stood by my side everyday. His name is Soraru. Soraru-san. Even if he had something important to do, he'd give up on them just to be with me. Although Soraru-san can be mean at times, I know that he cares the most. Surely if I mentioned about being with me, Soraru-san would be embarrassed. Wherever he went, I was always with him. We were inseparable, until high school came.

I was caught up in an accident at my second year, which lead me to a coma for a year and a few months. When I opened my eyes, I saw Soraru-san together with my parents and my older brother. First thing I noticed was Soraru-san's uniform; he's already a college student. At that time, my dried lips parted, and I said as I pointed at him, "You're already in college." He gave me one of the rarest, warmest smiles he's ever shown me back then, just before my eyes fluttered close.

I heard them panicking. I heard my dad call for a nurse and doctor. I didn't know what was wrong, but I started to experience another chest pain. I heard my doctor and a couple of nurses talking about getting the defibrillator. Before anything was done to me—such as defibrillating me—I fell unconscious.

By the time I woke up, I saw a few doctors, a couple of nurses, my parents, and my older brother around me. They were all so happy to see me awake. I looked around the familiar room, and saw that at one table, there's a bouquet of assorted flowers in a vase along with a white envelope beside it.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Instead, my finger pointed towards the envelope I saw as I grunted. Understanding what I meant, my mom took the envelope and brought it to me.

I saw my name nicely written on the envelope, and I already knew who wrote it; Soraru-san. I opened it, taking out the letter; it was also nicely written.

To Mafu,

How are you? Are you out of the hospital? Hopefully the heart transplant will succeed. If it does, please know that I'm the happiest person in the world. I'm so, so proud of you, Mafu.

I'm sorry that I never got to personally tell you that I'm so thankful that I got to be your best friend, and that you're alive. But hey, did you know that I love you, Mafu? I really do. I've loved you for a long time.

Surely there are times where you thought you were being a nuisance to me, right? Of course not, Mafu. I'm happy that there were times you wanted me to pamper you, and I enjoyed it. Well, it's because I got to be with you.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there right beside you. I'm sorry I couldn't hug you and congratulate you for being the strongest person I've ever known, and for surviving that tough battle. I'm so, so happy you made it! I'm very happy that you're so strong, despite what happened back in middle school. I hope there won't be any more bullies that will attack you, Mafu. Remember when we were first years? You were so traumatized so you stuck me to all the time. Sure, it was tiring but hey, I was really happy, even though it was embarrassing of you to stick to me. I hope you've gotten over that because I'll no longer be there. I'm no longer there, Mafu. Please, please take care of yourself. Please love yourself, Mafu.

When the accident happened, I didn't know what to do. I desperately prayed for you to come back. I visited you and prayed for you every single day. I know that there's so much for you in the future. And you deserve to continue living.

There are times where life can be really cruel, and I hope there's something or someone you can hold on to. Don't give up no matter how painful it is.

I love you so much, Mafu. I'm sorry.


I felt tears running down my cheeks as Soraru-san's "I love you," repeated inside my head. I opened my mouth, my voice slowly letting out, "Who..."

They all looked at me closely. "What is it, Mafu-chan?" my mom asked.

"Who... is the... donor?" I asked as I pointed where my heart is.

My parents and my brother looked at each other before they exchanged glances with the doctors and nurses. For a moment, I felt scared and nervous. Don't do this to me.

I already have a bad feeling about this—

"It's Soraru-kun, Mafu," a doctor replied as he drew a sigh.

—And I was right.

Why, Soraru-san? Why? Why would you give your heart to me? Out of all people who could give their hearts to me, why does it have to be you, Soraru-san? I'm sure you found out that I love you as well, right? Then why did you do this to me?


So, this is for a project!

The prompt for this one-shot was made while thinking of the prompt of "Colors." I was assigned to write a short-story for a project, and I thought of revising "Colors," however I wanted to write something realistic. The story I wrote for my project is a little different from this, since of course, this is a SoraMafu version. The story is half-inspired by the 2002 movie, John Q., and also a friend who has heart problems.

I'd really like to read people's thoughts on this ^^;;

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