- Too Obvious -

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A soft click from the door.

"I'm home!"

Mafu was greeted with nothing but silence. He placed his bag down, beside the sofa, and headed to a bedroom that's not his. But his companion, Soraru.

He opened the door and saw him asleep.

It was a Friday. Which meant he needed to go to work tomorrow.

Mafu walked towards Soraru and kneeled. He smiled at Soraru's sleeping face and gave him a soft kiss in his forehead before heading to his room to sleep as well.

Mafu was still in college while Soraru graduated already, and working. They've been living together for almost two years.

The next morning, Mafu woke up early and made breakfast for him and Soraru.

Mafu learned cooking before he went to college. Ever since his parents separated and left Mafu alone, he started doing things himself. He even had a part-time job so he'd earn some cash, at least.

Mafu was basically a housewife. He knew how to cook, to do laundry, clean, and other things a housewife knew. Except taking care of children or kids, which Mafu definitely hated.

Soraru woke up, smelling Mafu's cooking, as always. Which always meant that Soraru's mornings are always amazing. And fantastic.

When Soraru met Mafu, he was very clumsy. He thought Mafu couldn't do anything. But he scratched that thought when he ate the lunch Mafu cooked for him one day, as a payment for dirtying Soraru's uniform. Actually, no. The payment was to wash the shirt. But Mafu still felt guilty even though he washed the shirt. So, he decided to cook Soraru lunch.


It was a 8 A.M. in a Saturday, the time when Soraru would wake up and rush to the kitchen and eat breakfast. Not that he was late. He just wanted to eat Mafu's freshly cooked breakfast. He especially loved Mafu's omelette.

Whenever he woke up and rushed to the kitchen, he'd see Mafu's back. Of course, Mafu was facing the stove. But it was always the right timing when Mafu would turn around and hold out two plates with a cute apron on. It always made Soraru want to hug him from behind. But he never did it. He didn't want to startle Mafu or anything. He wanted to keep the fine relationship he and Mafu had. They aren't dating.

"Soraru-san..." Mafu mumbled, looking at the clock. "Didn't you mention that you needed to meet a client before work?"

Soraru paused and looked at the clock. Mafu was right.

"Crap," Soraru said as he started eating quickly.

Mafu chuckled. "Don't eat too fast, you'll choke. If you want, I can make you lunch as you shower and stuff?"

"You can do that?" Soraru asked, his mouth still filled with food.

"Of course I can~" Mafu said with a wink.

A slight red tint was seen in Soraru's cheeks, which Mafu didn't mind because he knew he sort of embarrassed himself so his face was probably redder than Soraru's. "Well... you do have the best cooking," Soraru said as he drank a glass of water. "If you can cook it quickly, then thank you!"

Mafu just smiled as Soraru disappeared in the hallway.

Mafu turned around and sighed.

How long am I gonna keep this up? Mafu thought to himself as he got a pan out, his hand trembling. He can be taken away by someone in work, Mafu. You gotta do something, at least.

It's been a long time since Mafu liked Soraru, which he tried his best to hide.

But he still doubted that Soraru hasn't noticed. Even a bit. So he's kinda scared. But what if Soraru secretly knew?

A few minutes later, Soraru came out of his room in his office attire. He went to the kitchen and saw Mafu packing his lunch.

Soraru just stayed in the doorway and smiled. He liked the view of how the rays of the sun were passing through the window and how Mafu was packing his lunch gently with his favorite apron on.

Mafu smiled at the lunch he prepared for Soraru. He was basically smiling to himself.

When he looked up at the doorway, where Soraru is, Mafu saw him smiling.

"I'm done, Soraru-san," Mafu said as he took the packed lunch for Soraru and walked towards the other male.

Before Mafu gave the packed lunch, he felt warmth around him.

Soraru was hugging Mafu.

"E-eh...? S-Soraru-san?"

Mafu was as red as a tomato.

What was Soraru doing? Well, yes, he was hugging him. But what made Soraru hug him?

"Wh-what's wrong?"

Soraru tightened the hug. "Thank you for doing a lot for me, Mafu. Thank you so much."

A smile formed in Mafu's face as tears ran down his face. "H-hey, Soraru-san? Y-you know, I-"

"I love you so much, Mafu," Soraru said, letting go of the hug. He lifted Mafu's chin, making him look at Soraru's eyes. Soraru smiled. "But... I have to go to work. See you tonight."

Mafu was left standing in the kitchen, dumbfounded.

His mouth was gaped open while his face was redder than ever.

"I'm going, Mafu!" Soraru said as he left the house they both shared. But he opened the door a bit and added, "oh and I don't need an answer because I already know, angel! You were too obvious! But it'd be nice to hear you say it~"

As Soraru left, Mafu was back to his senses. He crouched down and buried his face to his hands.

Soraru found out.

"Stupid Soraru-san," Mafu mumbled. He ran towards the door and opened it, to see if he could still see Soraru. Yes, he found him. "I love you, Soraru-san!"

Mafu closed the door shut and immediately ran towards the couch and buried his face in the pillows.

That was utterly embarrassing.

He immediately heard loud banging against the door.

He knew it was Soraru.

Because he could hear his name being called by his, now called, lover.

~ • ~ > • ~ * ~ • < ~ • ~

I'M BACK! Oh and I made fluff~ yay!! sorry for being inactive ,, orz ;;;;; I'll try to update the fic soon but school is killing me and exams just passed //ripash

I would've published tons of smuts but thanks to Zen, there was nothing ww


My phone is filled with tons of screenshots //cries

I post my screenshots in Twitter (@chiiash) btw!!

oh is anyone else playing 【18】 here?? the game soramafu collabed with??

also excited with the new mafu song this month >//////<

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