- Frustrated -

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"Hey, Mafu."




"Mafu-san. Mafumafu-san."




"What?!" the albino screeched.

"Come here."

The albino, Mafu, didn't listen. The male who called Mafu, Soraru, was definitely bugging him.

"Mafu, come here," Soraru called.

"Can you wait for a while?" Mafu said, not looking at Soraru. "I'm busy here, can't you see?"

"You can put the baby down, you know."


Soraru and Mafu, an engaged couple, had a baby. The baby was kind of "accidental" for both of them. After not seeing each other for almost a year (but still together, not yet engaged), they saw each other coincidentally (oh really?). They decided to finish off the work they had before finally having a meet up. They talked about various stuff (how work was hectic, etc.).

But mostly, they talked about how much they've missed each other.

That night, they drank a bit. Soraru got a little tipsy while Mafu was still the same. He was still bad at alcohol.

That same night, they got home together and made out... roughly. They went on a lot of rounds, nonstop. Sure, they had to stop for a few minutes (seconds?) to have air intake. But hell did they miss each other so much.

They had a plenty good amount of orgasm but soon enough, they had a lot (like, a lot) of semen excretion.

The next day, they both didn't remember how did they end up having rough sex, but they seemed really contented that they didn't even mind how did it start.

Just even remembering it made Mafu, especially, have a fluffy feeling.

But as weeks passed by, Mafu noticed that his tummy started to have a bump. He was getting a bit worried since nothing came to his mind when he was wondering what could've been the cause. Soraru teased that he was getting fat, but inside, he was getting really worried that Mafu could be pregnant. Apparently, Mafu believed him. Maybe was only getting fat.

Later on, after a few months, Mafu had already realized that he was pregnant. The baby was already five and a half months. It was noticeable. No one can tell him that he's "fat". He definitely isn't fat. Mafu was pregnant.

They both lived separately, but constantly visited each other's house. The day Mafu realized he was pregnant, that was the week when Soraru was away for a business trip.

Mafu didn't know how to tell Soraru that he was pregnant. They didn't even plan on having a baby yet. Was he just going to stay in Soraru's house then surprise him the moment he comes back? Or was he gonna LINE Soraru? Or maybe hide?

He didn't know what to do. All he did, after thinking things through, was lock himself inside his house, making sure that he was healthy, and not making any interaction to the outside world. He didn't meet nor tell his friends about the baby. He waited until one week passed.

Soraru called. He called and called, but Mafu didn't answer. Soraru rushed to Mafu's house, yet no one answered. He was scared, terrified, worried, and anxious. He stayed in front of Mafu's house, texting Mafu.

SoraMafu one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now