LuDan (Push and Pull)

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They said as they clinked their glasses. They were celebrating the success of Lucy's club, and Philipp insisted that they go to her apartment and drink using the bonus they all got from the event manager. Anne was there with him, so she could "control" her boyfriend. It didn't work, though. As Philipp insisted Anne to drink more soju and now they are both drunk, laughing at how Philipp imitated the monkeys they saw at the zoo. Lucy and Dan, who were both half-sober, just grinned at the two. Anne was clapping at Philipp. They really do make a very cute couple.

"Hey," Philipp laughed as he poked Dan.

"What?" Dan smiled.

"You, hey, you," he started to slur. "I don't... know why you... boss me around during our work... time," he smirked, "is that how you were raised by your... parents? A bossy bastard?"

Dan's smile started to disappear. He started to clench his fist. Lucy, who knows Dan's past (he was an early orphan and grew up not remembering his father's face, instead remembering a smile of a dying Pierrot), had squeezed her hand on his fist. Dan looked at her, she shook her head. Dan looked down for a second.

"Huh, what's.... the problem, punk?" this is Philipp, who seems to get slurry and cocky as he gets drunk.

"Philipp," he started as he looked at him. Philipp was tilting his head like a puppy.

"I'm proud of you," he smiled. "I have trained as a Pierrot for months, but you managed to train for weeks, and I'm jealous of you. Because the kids have loved you more. Sometimes, the masters have to learn from the rookies, thanks for making me realize that."

"Ha! The bastard speaks!" then he turned to Anne, "YOU HEAR THAT? I AM THE BEST!!!"

Anne giggled, "I know, Phil, congratulations!" she clapped as he once again imitated Dan's Pierrot tricks.

"Wait, I'm going to the bathroom," he slurred and went out. Anne followed him.

"Well, just you and me..." Dan trailed off.

"Thank you for... you know, not lashing out at Phil," Lucy smiled.

"What I said is true, he deserves to hear it."

They smiled at each other for a few moments, then...

"Lucyyyyyy!" Anne whined and stomped. They both turn their heads at Anne.

"What do I do?!"

"Why? What happened?" Lucy asked.

"He must've thought the rag is a bed. He slept in your bathroom! Help me!" she whined. Lucy and Danny caught each other's eye and laughed out loud.

After insisting for Philipp to sleep at the guest bedroom (Danny didn't let Anne sleep in Phil's bedroom, so she's sleeping in Lucy's bedroom), Danny and Lucy had a little walk by the bridge. They talked and let themselves calm as the sunset arrives.



"Thank you."

"Why would you thank me for?" Danny leaned by the tree.

"For saving my club, for... saving my dreams, me and Anne's dreams."

Dan smiled at her, "Don't mention it. Plus, I loved your club. Before, I was just a Pierrot. Now, I found more reason to continue my career as a Pierrot, you know." He smiled at the sunset.

"You're so different now."

"Really? How so?"

"You're now starting to talk more. Unlike before."

"Well," he turned to her, "should I thank you?" he smiled softly and patted her hair then turned back to the sunset.

Well, this is now or never.

Lucy leaned on to Danny and pressed her lips against his cheek. She leaned back, her hand resting on his shoulder. Danny's eyes were as wide as an owl's. Lucy's too, have turned pale and then blushed madly. Danny turned to Lucy, and she swore she could see a hint of pink on his pale neck.


Danny had borrowed the tripod and camera from Anne, and made his way to the rooftop building where they used to train for Pierrot performance. He focused the camera on him and sat in front of it.

"And so, our challenge finishes. I am still part of Lucy's club, and now we aren't kicked out by the chairman. We succeeded in saving the club. Hm? What happened to Lucy and me? Well, I got rejected. How? Well, when I asked her what the kiss means, she just said it's because she was drunk and she wasn't thinking clearly. Isn't that what girls say when they dump boys?" he sighed.

"No it isn't, you dumb!"

Danny stood up and met a glaring Lucy.

"That's called pushing and pulling, you moron!" she scowled.

"Y-You don't know how?! I pushed and it's your turn to pull. It's already hurting a woman's pride to make the first move, and now you- you- you..."

Danny beamed, "So you don't mean it?"

"I-I mean... ARGH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU. I HATE YOU DANNY!" then she stormed off.

"Lucy, wait!" but then he remembered that the camera is still running, so he lifted the camera and beamed at it.

"Well, this is a new challenge for Dann

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