PhillAnne (Bite me)

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I was running at full speed after my target, the insufferable human. I licked my lips and my fangs just wanted to sink into the human’s blood right away. He was waiting at the cemetery, crying over some other human’s death. I smiled and snuck up on him.

At that moment, he turned around. I’m still surprised to this day that he didn’t notice my fangs and pale skin. He didn’t even scream. “Oh…hi,” he smiled and I was too stunned to answer. Usually, my victims would call me evil, scream, shout for help and attempt to run but I would kill them.

I smirked at the thought of their painful screams; it made me happy.

“Hi,” I replied. I knew that I probably shouldn’t play with my food but I couldn’t help it; it was fun.

“Missing anyone?” he asked me and that caused me to stop thinking about his blood. Instead, it made my mind think about my family…their death was terrible. Vampires drained their blood and changed me into one. I tried not to think about it but when I did, I finally cried after three hundred years.

The tears were fresh and they came as a shock. I was supposed to be draining his blood at the moment, watching his eyes roll back into their sockets, watching his skin grow paler and paler and enjoying his screams and shouts. Instead, my prey made me break down. What an awesome vampire I was, wasn’t I?

I wiped my eyes and he watched me sensitively. “I lost my parents,” he replied, close to tears and for the first time, I felt sympathy for my prey. I patted his shoulder awkwardly and surprised myself again. Where had the gesture come from? It was an old gesture; people stopped doing it in the 26th century.

If he was surprised about the gesture, he didn’t show it because he just sighed. “My name’s Anne,” I introduced, completely forgetting that he was my prey. “Phillip,” he smiled and showed his teeth, they didn’t have fangs. What I wouldn’t give just to have my normal life back. But I didn’t even remember what normal was anymore.

“You’re really pretty,” he smiled and I rolled my eyes. It was probably the Vampire Beauty Charm. When people became Vampires, they inherited a Vampire Charm; it made them look hot.

With that simple sentence, we became best of friends.


~A year later~

Phillip and I were hanging out near the woods, away from the Sun. Suddenly, he cut himself on the bark of the tree and there was blood everywhere

My instincts took over and I couldn’t control myself. I tried to warn him. “Phillip…run…I’m…a…Vampire,” I finished, clutching my stomach and clamping my mouth shut, tight.

“I know, I noticed your fangs,” he smiled.

“Run…you…idiot,” I said through clenched fists and gritted teeth.

“It’s okay; you don’t have to fight it. Bite me,” he smiled.

“Are you an idiot? You don’t want this unholy life, trust me,” I gasped, biting down on my hands so I wouldn’t bite him.

“I realised you were a Vampire the moment I saw you. You don’t have to hide it, you’re amazing, okay?” he said. I ignored him and continued to think of ways to convince him.

“You get bored of this life, really,” I said.

“You’ll be immortal and I won’t, I’ll die one day. I want to live with you…forever,” he smiled. He was so close; I could feel his breath on my lips.

“I love you,” he murmured and kissed me.

I didn’t even bite him.

(To be Continued)


(I'm so sorry Anne and Phillip, i know this chapter is so gay >.< I'll try to make it better. gosh i suck at writing)

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