Maryon (Angel)

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"But seriously....." Marie said. "Where did you come from? Mars?" she giggled at the thought. Ryon simply smiled and winked.

"It's a secret."

He never told her where he came from, he was afraid that he might freak her out.

Let me tell you a secret: Ryon is not a human. He's an angel. Literally. He was a fallen angel. Punished to live a mortal life because he fell for a girl named Marie.

How can angels love mortals? I don't know.

But Ryon was Marie's guardian angel. He didn't realize that he was falling in love with her. Her bright smile, her laugh, it was more beautiful than an angel's.

He was so naive and innocent when Marie met her. That made her like him, since almost every guy she met were jerks.

"Hey, handsome." Marie's..... erm..... slutty cousin, waved and winked at Ryon. She was wearing clothes, clothes that are too revealing and uncomfortable. She walked "sexily" towards him. Ryon glanced at Marie and saw her rolling her eyes.

"Um... excuse me..... but why are you wearing....... clothes that are way too short for your comfort? And your breasts are almost showing. But don't worry, I'm not looking at them. I'm looking at the ground." Ryon said. Her cousin's jaw dropped and glared at him, clearly not liking his obliviousness.

"Ugh, whatever." she said and stomped away. He heard Marie snickering.

"Why is she stomping?" Ryon asked and looked up.

"Nah, she's just not used to that reaction. Boys were mostly drooling right now if they were in your place." she said.

"Really?" Ryon said and scrunched his face in disgust, which Marie found very cute. "They drool because of an almost naked girl? That's a disgrace."

Ryon was very protective of Marie, too. Once, he saved her from a drunk guy. He never let her walk alone during the night. He was always with her. He would always protect her. Marie was grateful for that. One day, he saw her crying on a corner. He asked her what happened, she looked up at him. Her tear-stained cheeks and her sad eyes made Ryon's heart ache.

"My dad..... he left us," she sobbed, "we just found out that..... we're actually a second family."

Ryon suddenly hugged her, Marie's head was resting on his chest. Her face was red and her heart raced, but still, she cried.

"Shh.... it's going to be fine, Marie," he whispered and kissed her temple, "just cry, and I promise that everything will be fine."

And it did went alright. After a week, he asked her to be his girlfriend. Marie was happy, of course. She liked him, no, loved him for a while now.

"I love you, Marie." he said.

She grinned and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, my angel."

I may have lost my wings. Or have my eternal life taken, but.....

"As long as you and I are together, heaven is anytime and anywhere." he said to her.

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