CarliNa (Concerts)

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Hanna stood in the middle of a sea of screaming teenage girls, her hands lifted up in the air, swaying it to the music. She was at a concert with her sister, having just snuck into it half an hour ago. Who knew sneaking into concerts only costed quick sliding and vent climbing?

She stared dreamily at the lead guitarist, her eyes might as well be heart shapes right now at how much love was radiating between her and the one and only, Carlisle, Break Through's lead guitarist.

She knew he probably won't notice her, with the other thousands of fangirls with her, but she liked to think whenever he sang his solos, he'd be looking at her, and only her. Well, at least in her wildest dreams, where she could imagine anything she liked. Even impossible things like having a normal conversation with Carlisle, or even letting him teach her how to play the guitar, like she always wanted.

It sucked, a lot.

Suddenly, she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. Spinning around, this tall bulky security guard with black shades faced her, he instructed her to follow him, and she did.

Shit, she thought, did they already catch her? How? By security cameras? But why wasn't her sister dragged into this too?

Before Hanna knew it, she was led backstage, passing by dressing rooms, closets and many other rooms that weren't labeled. Where exactly was this guy taking her?

"You got chosen to get on stage with Break Through, congratulations!" The security guard said in a monotonous voice. How unenthusiastic, Hanna rolled her eyes.

Wait, what? She widened her eyes, as what the guy just told her flashed throughout her mind, slowly processing everything. She was pushed onto stage, and loud cheers and screams surrounded her eardrums. They were nearly deaf by now.

"And here's the lucky lady today!" Break Through's lead singer, Elliott shouted into the mic as many others screamed, some already sending Hanna death glares for stealing their supposed spot.

"Now, we're going to sing this lovely lady our new song! What's your name?" Carlisle asked, walking over to Hanna, and grabbing her hand.

He led her to where his mic was positioned and guided her to a tall stool just beside it. Hanna sat down, and stared in awe into Carlisle's eyes. They were beautiful...

"Hanna..." She mumbled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hanna is such a beautiful name." Carlisle whispered seductively into Hanna's ear, sending tons of shivers down her spine, and she liked it.

He started strumming his guitar right when the rest started to play their instruments as well. Staring into Hanna's eyes, he sang the opening with Elliott. He smirked, sending a wink at Hanna's direction.

When his part was over and it was Aaron and Elliott's turn to sing, be got away from the mic, stood next to Hanna, leaned in, and whispered, "Hanna is Annah spelled backwards."

"Isn't it, Hanna?" Annah's voice boomed all of a sudden, snapping Hanna back into reality.


oh lol

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