PhilAnne (Beautiful)

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"Hahah, look at her! What a freak!"

"Get out of this school!"

"Nobody likes you!"

Anne stood still as the bullies yelled at her. She never said a word to them, only waited for them to finish. But that wasn't the only thing she was waiting for. She was waiting for something to happen--for somebody to stand up for her. After all, that was what she did to in her elementary years. She basically only had one friend in her life--Lucy. But Lucy graduated 2 years ago, and now it was just Anne.

They shoved Anne's books out of her hands, and they laughed as she slowly picked them up.

"Pathetic," one of them said, and a voice yelled behind them.

"Hey!" the voice said, and they all turned toward it. It was Philipp.

The bullies awkwardly looked away as Philipp walked up to them.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" He asked them, and Richard--the main bully--stuttered.

"Erm....uh...." He trailed off, and Philipp held up a hand.

"Save it, I don't wanna hear it. Now I don't wanna see you guys messing with her," he pointed at Anne, "ever again. Capeesh?"

They nodded, and scurried off. He looked back at Anne and helped her pick up her things.

"Here..." he said, stacking up her books neatly. She picked them up and stood there.

"So, what's your name?" Philipp asked. She stayed silent.

"Do you have a name?" he asked again, but she stayed silent once again.

"Is this thing working?" he pointed to her throat--tilting his head to the side, and she smiled.

"There's a smile!" he said, and she laughed.

"And that voice is working, too," he pointed out, and she shook her head.

"Anyways, I have to go now. See you later?" he asked, expecting no response.


"Okay." Anne said, and Philipp was surprised.

"You have a beautiful voice, m'lady," he dramatically bowed, and she blushed.

"Thank you."

"I'd love to hear it more," he said, and Anne walked away. And Philipp knew he wanted to see her again.


aw man that sucked XD oh well. I can write more :3

but just so y'know, I have NOTHING against Muslims....I just used that because I dunno.

guess whoooo c: <3

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